Cleaning Up, Clearing Out, and Making Space for the New Year

Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2016
image licensed from Shutterstock

We’re coming to the end of 2016, and it seems as though the world is just holding its breath, ready to heave a collective sigh of relief the second the clock strikes 2017. It’s been a heck of a year on both personal and public fronts, and I don’t know about you — but I’m still reeling a little.

However, I’m determined that we’re all deserving of a fresh start as we ring in a new year. To help make sure that’s the case, I’ve been finishing, cleaning, tidying and just generally hitting the reset button in a number of ways. Here are a few of the most satisfying ways I’ve found to clean up, clear out and make space for the good things to come.

Tidy up my physical space

This one always seems to be the first priority when the end of the year is on the horizon. Maybe it’s the solstice, the hibernation instinct or just that I’m finally slowing down enough to notice my physical environment. Whatever the reason, the stack of receipts that need filing for taxes, the papers I need to reference to wrap up the last couple of projects for the year, or the dust bunnies in the corner are living on borrowed time the second Dec 31st arrives. A tidy up, followed by a deep clean are essential for helping me get grounded back in my space and deciding what physical things are no longer serving the life I plan to have in the new year.

Clean up my digital spaces

I’m great with recognizing when my physical space needs attention because I can see the mess all around me. But the digital clutter? That’s a little trickier, as it’s mostly out of sight and out of mind until I get that annoying message that my hard drive is full (I see you nodding!). The end of the year cleanup must involve unsubscribing from any newsletters that are just filling my inbox, archiving and clearing out my email, and making sure all my digital files are safely stowed and backed up.

Declutter my mental space

I like to take some time at the end of the year to clean out my mental space as well. That might mean going through my project management software to make sure that everything my brain wants me to remember is recorded so that I can let it go, or that I’m just letting go of any baggage from the past few months. Well, as much as possible anyways. We’re human, and no one is that well adjusted. But we can certainly give it the old college try! With some time away from the fray, and some space and quiet and rest — I like to let my mind slow back down to a calmer pace and get a bit of mental rest.

Tips on #decluttering your physical and mental space! #mindfulness #selfcare Click To Tweet

Empty my calendar

We’re kind of the opposite of most people over the holidays in that we don’t have a ton of family or friend events to attend. We generally empty our calendars for a two week period around Christmas and plan an absolute minimum of things. That’s a nice change from the usual routine, and makes space for us to do whatever seems like fun in the moment. Which may amount to sitting quietly and reading a book, or going to a movie at 2 in the afternoon! It’s glorious, and it’s amazing what fun things pop up to fill the gaps!

Clear out my to do list

I really like to start the new year working on new projects wherever possible. That means a big push to wrap up old projects, and get those niggly little to do’s off the list — especially the ones that have been following me from week to week! So in preparation for the planning retreat we do the first week in January, the goal is to clear as much as possible off the to do list and make sure all those open circles and undone items get finished!

Cleanse my body

Well, yes. Showering is always good. But we’re going a little deeper here. October and November are generally crazy months in our world with lots of travel, jam-packed deadlines and events, and little time for anything to do with self care really. So when December rolls around I often find I’m a bit burnt out, and in serious need of a reset for my body in order to get some of my usual energy back and refill the nutritional batteries as it were. Plenty of cleansing herbal teas (About 90% of which seem to be ginger-based right now in my world) and a round of cooking at home and living off of homemade soups and veggies and stews.

How do you get ready for the new year?

xo Crystal

Originally published at on December 28, 2016.

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Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living

Writer, creative mastermind, health psychologist, productivity geek, and strategic authorpreneur—sharing what I learn on my way to a million published words.