Eating Frogs and Other Ways to Get Sh!t Done

Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2016
image licensed from Shutterstock

I have no idea where I heard it, but I distinctly remember hearing or reading that everyone should eat at least one frog before breakfast. Now before you freak out, know that I don’t eat actual frogs. These are metaphorical ones. They’re a bit icky, kind of knobbly, and would likely stick horribley in your throat. You know what I mean — tasks that are tough to swallow and you just don’t relish the idea of buckling down and just getting it done.

When I was about 13, I remember riding my bike on a gravel road out by the lake and all of a sudden there were frogs EVERYWHERE. Little bitty ones. It seemed like they must be falling from the sky. The road was covered in them. We were covered in them.

My to do list felt a bit like that this week. Lots of frogs. It’s that awkward in between time. Almost on vacation, but not quite. Lots of accelerated timelines on projects. And the list just grows longer every time you open your email and someone needs “just one little thing” before you’re off the grid for a while. I’ve been using every trick in the productivity book to keep myself on track this week, and since one of those to do’s was write an article I figured what better to write about?!?

So, what are the secret productivity tricks I use to get things done? There are many, but my favourite one is this:

Eat one frog before breakfast

Before I go to bed each night, I make sure I’ve already prepped my task list for the next day. And at the very top of that list? My “one thing” that absolutely has to get done the next day. Ideally one that I’ve been putting off, or just haven’t had the time to look at properly. If it’s the kind that needs my complete concentration for a block of 30 minutes or more, even better.

Eat a metaphorical frog for breakfast this morning! #productivity Click To Tweet

Why does this work? 3 reasons

  1. The only time of day I know is safe from interruptions is early morning. So if I dive in the second I get up I don’t have the chance to get distracted.
  2. I get an early win and then I feel pretty good all day. And then instead of focusing on what is still to be accomplished in the day, I can rejoice in the win I got straight out of the gate and keep that momentum running through the day.
  3. Sh!t gets done. Seriously. It means there is at least one task that is off your list, complete, done, finito, gonezo. And man, but that feels good.

Do you have any frogs on your plate?

I cordially invite you to join me tomorrow in eating one frog before breakfast. Trust me. It’s like eating broccoli. It’s good for you, and you’ll get used to the texture.


xo Crystal

Originally published at on December 24, 2016.

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Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living

Writer, creative mastermind, health psychologist, productivity geek, and strategic authorpreneur—sharing what I learn on my way to a million published words.