Girl’s Nights Are Saving My Sanity

Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2017
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My social life didn’t disappear after I had my daughter, but it definitely changed. Gone were the days of meeting up with friends last minute and dinners out at 9 pm. They were replaced with play dates, park dates, and coffee dates — all scheduled within daylight hours, and of course, all revolving around my kid’s schedule.

My husband and I fully embrace the magical creature that is the babysitter. We make a point of going out, just the two of us, on a regular basis. But what about time out of the house for myself and my girlfriends? I realized it was something I’d pushed to the back burner.

So, I started small. My girlfriend and I began getting together at each other’s houses every now and again to watch The Bachelor. (Yes, I watch terrible reality TV without shame — but that’s another blog post for another time.) Then we invited a few other moms to join our Bachelor group. Then, we got a little wild and crazy and went out for dinner and a movie, without kids or husbands. Shocking, I know! The next thing I knew, I was getting together with my group of girlfriends at least once a week, whether there was something good on TV or not.

I know I’m a happier and better mom, wife, and overall person for taking time to spend with friends. Girl’s nights are fun, necessary, and they’re literally saving my sanity. Here’s a few reasons why…

Face time with friends

Texting, group chats, and phone calls are all great, but they’re no replacement for real, one-on-one, face time with friends.

A reason to get a little dressed up

Yes, most nights I’m happy to melt into the couch in sweatpants or pj’s, But it’s nice to have a reason to throw on something that isn’t covered in whatever my daughter ate that day, plus the remnants of our latest arts and crafts project. If we’re going out somewhere really fancy, sometimes I even refresh my mascara and run a comb through my hair : )

A chance to vent and blow off steam

Who better to complain about your unruly children than to fellow moms who totally get it? We’re all doing our best to survive parenting — whether we’re stay-at-home parents, full-time-job parents, or work-from-home parents like myself. Sometimes we all need someone to commiserate with.

An excuse to indulge a little

Girl’s nights are the perfect time to share the snacks I hide from my kid all day. Bust out that bag of chips, pour yourself a second (or third) glass of wine, and order that dessert!

Friendships are good for your health

For real! Studies suggest that friendships can extend your life and help you relieve stress. I’ve never been one to argue with science, so there you have it, girl’s nights are improving my health.

And they can improve yours too! Schedule yourself a night in or out with friends. I promise you won’t regret it.

Originally published at on May 6, 2017.

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Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living

My life revolves around one crazy toddler and two even crazier dogs. Oh, and sometimes I write.