How “Me Time” Will Strengthen Your Family Time

Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2017
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It seems obvious that parents need and deserve kid-free time to spend with each other, but what about kid-free and spouse-free time? It’s just as important to reconnect, recharge, and reflect as a couple as it is to do those same things as an individual. Here’s a few reasons why my husband and I try to give each other a little bit of “me time” once a week…

You get to do you: Just as there are things you and your partner prefer to do without kids, chances are there are things you prefer to do alone. This is your chance to go out and “do you”! Whether that means quiet time reading, meeting a friend for lunch, or taking a class, the focus is all on you. It can be as simple as a walk around the block or a bubble bath — as long as that’s what you want to do.

One on one parent and child time: Of course, I love and value time spent as a family with my husband and daughter, but there’s something slightly different when it’s just myself and my daughter. It becomes our own special little world, with our favourite games, snacks, and stories. And it’s just as important for my husband to have that time with her to form their own unique bond.

Leave your parent self behind: As a parent, you’re constantly checking in on your child. Are they hungry? Do they have to go to the bathroom? How did they manage to get Sharpie all over their face, and how do I get it off? No matter what you’re doing, when you’re in parent-mode, your child and their well-being is in the forefront of your mind. Alone time lets you step away and focus on your own needs. It’s amazing how refreshing it is to eat when and what you want to, be fully focused on a conversation with a friend, or maybe even go to the bathroom all by yourself.

Time to miss your family: I almost always return from “me time” with a smile on my face and eager to hear about what my family has been up to. I had a chance to miss them, appreciate them, and now I’m excited to spend time with them again. I’m mentally and physically refreshed, and 100 per cent ready to dive back into family time!

So, carve out a little time for just you when possible. You’ll be amazed at the good it will do for your whole family.

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Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living

My life revolves around one crazy toddler and two even crazier dogs. Oh, and sometimes I write.