Let’s go hiking!

Wellthy Living Guest Authors
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2017
Image licensed from Shutterstock.com

Hiking is one of the greatest way to get fresh air, relieve stress and get a good workout in all at the same time. It isn’t always a readily available option but I try to get a hike in whenever I can. Hiking is one of my favorite recreational activities. It can also be a great cardio workout depending on where I go and how fast I want to get to the top. When I hike, I almost always prefer to go with a friend. Not to mention, it’s definitely safer to hike with someone than go alone.

Fresh air

When hiking, I am immersed in fresh air and surrounded by nature. That is why I love to get out and go hiking. Getting fresh air is important for all of us, and I especially feel like I am always stuck indoors. I am inside during class and underground in the mall when I work. Three quarters of my transit to work is also underground. Once I head out to work, I don’t get any fresh air until I am off work and almost home.

Stress relief

I also love hiking because it is a great stress reliever. The nature, scenery, and fresh air all contribute to stress relief. Since I tend to be cooped up all day due to work or school, I feel really confined, which only adds to my stress. Going hiking really helps me to feel set free and stress free as well!

Cardio workout

Hiking can be considered a nature walk or climbing a mountain. One is obviously more strenuous than the other, however in both considerations, we will be moving along on our feet. This requires the work of our muscular and cardiovascular system to keep our blood pumping to deliver fresh air to our muscles. The harder the hike or climb, the harder we are working our bodies. I personally prefer to go on hikes which end with me huffing and puffing because I love the feeling of a great workout. When given the choice, I would much prefer to go hiking than for a run to get a little cardio in.


As previously mentioned, I almost always go hiking with a companion. I hike with my classmates, friends and significant other. I have only ever gone hiking on my own once and I did not enjoy the experience as much. I did get to the end of the hike much faster, however I did not have as much fun. Depending on who is accompanying me, the hike could be a leisurely climb or a friendly competition to get to the end.

If you feel like working out, getting fresh air, and getting rid of some stress, try hiking it out! I am sure you will have a great time enjoying the nature, fresh air, sights and scenery.

Originally published at wellthyliving.ca on March 15, 2017.

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