Staying Energized Throughout the Adventure!

Josefa Mariano
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2017
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Knowing which foods to bring along for a hike can be a little tricky because the most common question is, “where do I start”? And it’s true, there’s lots of facts you need to keep in mind to make sure you’re bringing proper refreshments. Hiking requires a lot of energy, so you and your family will need to pack a little more than you might expect for your trip. Not to worry, here’s a few tips we’ve gathered to help you out!

Your meal before you go matters!

If you are going in the morning, make sure your breakfast is rich in protein. Some examples of these are are lean meats (chicken breast or turkey ham are great examples!), eggs, or fresh, unsalted nuts. Pair these with fresh fruit to give your body the starting boost it needs!

Pack conveniently

Avoid bulky plastic containers, and downsize whenever possible. For example, you don’t have to bring a box of 20 granola bars if you’re just going to be eating 3 or 4. An important note to remember is to distribute the weight fairly between you and your party! Excess weight can tire you out easily, so a distribution of the carry-on’s are essential.

Choose high-carb over high-fat foods

Carbohydrates are actually an instant release of energy, so carry a few high-carb foods with you to snack on as you go.

Some high-carb food examples are: whole wheat breads, mangoes, and raisins!

Some examples of high-fat foods that should be avoided are pastas, potato chips, and sugary drinks. They are often not nutrient-dense foods that are necessary for activities like hiking.


Water is a crucial part of hiking — it’s important that you take a few sips during your trek. Physical exertion uses up your body’s water reserves and expels it by sweat, so replenish as often as you can.

Have a meal AFTER your hike!

Similar to the pre-hike meal, it’s important to have protein and nutrient-rich foods to help your muscles with healing! After a strenuous day, muscles need the appropriate resupply of nutrition to promote proper growth. Consider packing sandwiches specifically to celebrate a trail’s success!

Remember, hiking usually uses up a lot of your body’s energy supply, so having enough nourishment to keep you and your family going will ensure that your day spent outdoors remains fun!

Originally published at on June 27, 2017.

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