TV-Free Indoor Activities Your Kids (and You) Will Love

Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2017
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It’s a rainy day. It’s a snowy day. I have the flu. My daughter has a scary-sounding cough that will only receive glares from fellow parents if we dare venture out of the house. Whatever the reason, indoor days happen, and they suck. TV can seem like the only answer to fill the long hours until bedtime. But after Netflix asks you for the third time if you’re seriously still watching Peppa Pig, you start to question your parenting — not to mention your sanity. Well I’m here to tell you that there’s another way. A fun, technology free way to stop indoor days from sucking. Here are my favourite TV-free indoor day activities that actually make me look forward to being stuck at home.

Make your own story time.

Reading isn’t just for bedtime. Get cozy on the couch with a blanket and cuddle up with your little one’s favourite books. Let them read to you, notice the details of the illustrations, act them out with dolls and stuffed animals. Make up your own story or create one together. It always seems more enjoyable when bedtime and the promise of quiet isn’t looming over you.

Get crafty.

Pull out the play-dough, dust off the paintbrushes, and find those pipe-cleaners you hid away in a closet somewhere. Let go of the expectations that your creations have to look a certain way — none of us are Martha Stewart — and get creative! Your kids will have a blast, and you’ll be surprised how therapeutic finger painting can be.

Use your imagination.

Grab a few cardboard boxes out of the recycling and build a spaceship. Gather the stuffies round for a tea party. Build a pillow and blanket fortress and guard it from the fire-breathing dragon. You’re never too old to use your imagination, so really have fun with it! I promise, you and your kid will benefit from this one.

Bake something delicious.

Head to the kitchen and whip up a batch of cookies. Forget about the inevitable mess and focus on the smile on your little one’s face when they dump in that overflowing cup of chocolate chips. The process, and the results, are equally enjoyable.

Have a dance party.

Turn the stereo up and get grooving! No one appreciates my not-so-slick dance moves more than my daughter. Added bonus: Dance parties are a great way to sneak in a little active play for the kids, and a little cardio for the adults.

Good luck on your next indoor day. Hopefully you and your kids will enjoy it TV-free and packed full of fun!

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Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living

My life revolves around one crazy toddler and two even crazier dogs. Oh, and sometimes I write.