When to Listen to the Alarm Bells In Your Head

Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2016
image licensed from Shutterstock

Alarm bells are ringing in your head. Fire, or false alarm?

We woke up a few days ago, at 2am, with the fire alarms clanging all around us. I mostly just felt annoyed and irritated, and would definitely have preferred not to leave my bed. But I’m on the Strata Council in our building, so I have the keys the firemen need to turn off the alarms. Clothes, keys, phone, and out the door I went to be a responsible grownup.

It had all the appearances of a false alarm. No smoke, no flames, no panicking people (just a lot of tired and pissed off ones). It’s not the first time our alarms have gone off in the night, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Not many people even bothered to leave their beds or came out to see if something was really wrong.

Since then, we’ve spent most of a week rectifying some problems with the fire protection system in our building and resolving the issues (serious issues, the kind that could be dangerous if not fixed), and it’s got me thinking a lot about the alarm bells in our lives around us that we often ignore.

You know the ones I mean — the uncomfortable feeling you get about the guy who is following you off the skytrain, the feeling that something’s just not right when a friend doesn’t answer your phone calls, the lump in a breast that’s probably nothing. These are alarm bells that our mind is ringing for us.

For the most part, these alarms that our mind raises really are “false alarms”. But just like our fire alarm going off that was pointing to an underlying flaw in our fire system, your mind is really trying to call your attention to an underlying issue that needs addressing, even if it’s not “the big one”.

Are there any alarm bells in your life right now that you’re choosing to ignore because you just don’t have the time, the energy or the money to deal with them? Something about your health? Maybe a blinking red light on the dash of your car? Maybe the feeling that something isn’t right in a friend’s world?

Let’s all commit to doing a little maintenance in our lives this week. Pick one thing that you’ve been ignoring or putting off in your life and act on it. Make the doctor’s appointment, get the car serviced, push harder to connect with that friend.

And for goodness sake people. Don’t let your house burn down around you because you don’t want to get out of bed.

xo Crystal

Originally published at wellthyliving.ca on April 23, 2016.

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Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living

Writer, creative mastermind, health psychologist, productivity geek, and strategic authorpreneur—sharing what I learn on my way to a million published words.