How to work toward a sustainably happier life!

Happy Nation
Happy Nation publication
4 min readNov 23, 2017

Workout for Happiness is launching the last Workout of 2017 for anyone who is looking to take responsibility for their own happiness and move toward a sustainably happier life!

But what is Workout for Happiness?

WfH is a three-month, holistic, gamified program, where people worldwide work on themselves daily across the physical, mental and social levels. Candidates learn how to apply science-based tools to lead sustainably happier lives.

Oh, yes, everything is gamified. The Workout is a fun real-life adventure game.

Every week, candidates collect happiness points for the time they spend working on their happiness, they can pull jokers and freebees, collect awards/badges for completing special tasks that boost happiness and well-being.

Taking part in a weekly photo contest to train your eye to see the beauty in the world, watching your personal profile grow bit-by-bit, getting to gradually know your teammates from all over the world — these are only few of the many great features of this Workout!

Community is everything. What is more powerful than knowing that you belong to a group of people who, just like you, are simultaneously working on their happiness? Every person in the Workout is put in 5-person international solidarity groups with strangers from all over the world who you get to know week by week, one small clue at a time…

With its holistic approach and various game aspects, everyone is pushed out of their comfort zone because that’s where the opportunity for growth lies!

“Workout for Happiness held me accountable for the goals that I set out to achieve and tasks to ensure lifelong habits and happiness.”

— Toby, sports medicine professor, USA

How does it work? Being a science-based program, we have gathered the most groundbreaking theories from psychology, nutrition and sport.

And because WfH candidates regularly deploy only those methods and exercises backed by science, they can’t help but become happier.

Theories are great (especially scientific ones), no one can deny that. But theories themselves can’t and won’t make anyone happier. In the end, theory is just words “written on a paper.” So what?

Reading a self-help book won’t make you happier. Instead, it will give you an idea of what you could do to be happier. This is what makes the Workout so special… it’s all about bringing theory into practice!

Going beyond the mindless consumption of theories…

With WfH, candidates learn to take control of their lives by working hard on themselves to be happier! No more passivity and intellectualizing.

Intellectualizing our happiness doesn’t work, it’s only when we put theory into practice that we get real results and actually experience all the benefits of our actions.

“Workout for Happiness opened the door to a new world of knowledge about happiness.”

- Alessi, IBA student, Germany

But this requires hard work.

Please understand the premise of the Workout. It is not meant to give you a quick dose of happiness, but rather to provide you with the knowledge, tools and practical experience for sustainable happiness.

In order to build a strong foundation and enable yourself to be happy, you will work across three levels (physical, mental and social) with our three pillars. Weekly, you will complete:

  1. Mandatory to-dos to make your body and your brain fit
  2. Personal to-dos because the pursuit of happiness is individualized and personal
  3. Weekly Tasks that bring the theory of happiness into practice

But you have to understand that only by fully committing to all of the program’s elements, will you be able to get out of your comfort zone, push past your limits and put yourself on the right path toward reconditioning so that you can reach new heights.

Become an expert on your own happiness much like an athlete becomes a professional in their sport — by putting in the hours to train their skills every day.

It won’t be easy, but we can guarantee it is going to be worth it.

Written by N.L.

Are you excited? Sign up here! But hurry…

… you can sign up until the 27th of November!

Need more info?

Listen to our podcast on SoundCloud.

Or contact us at join@workoutforhappiness.comwe would love to hear from you!

…If you enjoyed reading this article, please applaud and spread the word on social media! Join our mission to make the world a happier place!



Happy Nation
Happy Nation publication

Happy Nation is a place in real life & digital space to take care of your well-being, connect with like-minded people and spread kindness.