Train your brain: Physical activity makes you smarter

Ever wanted to become smarter? Well, here’s a life hack for you — move your body more! Keep reading to find out more.

Happy Nation
Happy Nation publication
5 min readAug 22, 2023


Did you know that your brain can rebuild itself? We recently encountered the story of a 10-year-old boy who was struggling with severe epilepsy. The doctors saw no option but to remove a part of his brain. This part was responsible for recognizing people. Miraculously, he recovered well and regained the ability to recognize faces and make new friends. Doctors eventually discovered that other parts of his brain took over this function! After recovering, he cognitively caught up with other kids his age. This made us think, “What other fascinating things can our brains do?”

1500 new brain cells every day

Are you aware of your brain’s capacity to generate up to 1500 new brain cells daily? This is very important for our brain’s health and can affect the decisions we make in our daily lives. Neurons are our brain’s fundamental units, allowing us to think, feel, move, dream, speak, and more. Typically, we are born with around 100 billion brain cells. Old cells naturally perish as we age, and new ones are formed. This is especially important in the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for learning and storing memories.

Neurons are also responsible for communication between our brain and body. They allow us to send messages all throughout our bodies via electric and chemical signals. This helps us know what is happening in our bodies and in the world around us. We can feel the wind or a breeze going through our hair, or the touch of a friend as they brush up against us. It’s no secret that we can gather knowledge by reading books, making new experiences, playing games, and even by looking at others. But did you know you can boost this process?

Exercise your brain

Until recently, we believed we were born with a fixed number of brain cells. We can compare this to a team of soccer players with no substitutes on the bench. If somebody got injured, the team would become smaller, and players would have to cover more positions until the group became less effective. But this comparison is not entirely accurate. Scientists discovered that aerobic exercise could help us grow new neurons. So, now we know our coach can have new players that he can put on the field to strengthen the team in key positions once they become tired. This process is essential for our physical and mental health.

Regular aerobic exercise can also decrease the chance of becoming depressed and even improve our memory! The reason is that higher volumes of blood packed with nutrients and growth hormones are sent to the brain when we are active. This promotes a healthy brain, helps us de-stress, and makes us happier. Feeling motivated yet to get up and get moving?

Hacks for intelligent people

Want to give your brain a boost? Aside from doing sports, there are other ways to increase the number of newly grown neurons. A healthy and happy brain can be maintained by sleeping 7–8 hours a night, munching on plant-based foods, trying out intermittent fasting, de-stressing, and making awesome friends. It is important to note that these factors work hand-in-hand with regular exercise to promote a healthy lifestyle.

However, to keep your brain in top shape, It is recommended to limit stress, processed foods, alcohol, and inadequate sleep. Don’t worry, though. There is still hope for that glass of red wine, which may have a neutral effect due to its abundant antioxidants. Your brain will thank you…

How much sport is enough?

At least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week is recommended to maintain good brain health. Aerobic workouts are very effective at getting your heart pumping; examples include running, cycling, swimming, power walking, and dancing. There’s truly something for everyone. And don’t forget about strength and stability exercises. They can also benefit specific brain regions responsible for controlling your movements.

And hey, if you’re looking to level up, consider participating in the Happy Nation Games coming Autumn 2023. For 21 days, we will take part in physical and mental exercises as well as acts of kindness. Join us because you will surely notice positive changes in yourself.

Eat less for more growth

Here’s an unexpected trick to grow some more brain cells — cut back on how much you eat by 20–30%. We suggest doing this two days per week to get started. If you’re a beginner, you could also try intermittent fasting; it’s a good way to ease into it! Another way to encourage neurogenesis is to load up on more omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like walnuts and salmon, as well as flax and chia seeds. Including foods like blueberries, purple grapes, dark chocolate, peanuts, and dark green leafy vegetables in your diet can also have amazing results because they are rich in antioxidants. Bon appétit!

Take-home message

It is difficult to measure how “smart” someone is. IQ tests only measure a small part of intelligence. They do not capture your capacity to be social, learn a new language, or move in a certain way. We can still learn a lot about how our brains work. But here’s what we know for now — your brain renews itself daily and is remarkably good at it if you make the right choices. Exercise, healthy food, enough sleep, and close friends can help your brain stay healthy and happy.

Try to avoid too much alcohol, processed food, and stress because it might cost you more than you think. And during the weekend, it might be wise to opt for a glass of red wine instead of a beer. With these tips, you can boost your mental and physical well-being and create a strong foundation for the future. Cheers to brain-boosting choices!

Thank you for reading!

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Happy Nation
Happy Nation publication

Happy Nation is a place in real life & digital space to take care of your well-being, connect with like-minded people and spread kindness.