Can an mHealth App engage seniors, daily?

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Wellzesta offers a suite of products that engage users in wellness. Wellzesta Active (*Active) is a wellness publishing platform that consists of a web application and cloud-based backing services (API). Wellness providers enter events, dining opportunities, messaging, web content, wellness articles, and more. *Active is paired with one or more client applications: *Life, *View, and *Vis.

We offer client applications for different types of users: for digital-active users, digital-passive users, mobile and fixed deployments. This allows us to offer a publish once, appeal to anyone, anywhere solution. For digital-active users, we offer *Life, a native iOS App that runs on iPad and iPhone. Users set wellness goals, register for events, receive points for participation in events, reading articles, receive real time alerts and notifications. The Wellzesta Life experience is highly interactive.

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One aspect of being is data driven company means looking at the data — daily. Wellzesta Life is “fully instrumented.” We have data related to health of the App, usage statistics, performance statistics, and more.

Service workers publish daily reports about the App and backing services. Question: Which database queries take the longest, and how often they are made? Answer: See the bot-generated API report on #wellzesta-notices slack channel.

The marketing & sales department claims that “Wellzesta Life is a daily engagement guide.”

“Really? You mean that seniors use Wellzesta Life, daily?”

“Well, yes.”

Here’s how we know. Usage statistics of the Wellzesta Life App is aggregated by and exposed on a dashboard. The following figure is a snapshot from today’s dashboard.

Screenshot from

High activity users (active use of App 6–7 days of the past 7) outnumber low activity and medium activity users, combined!

This strongly suggests that seniors use the App DAILY.

