Blockchain Takes CEPIC: See Wemark this week at the world’s most important image licensing conference

CEPIC 2018 — the largest event for commercial images and video in the world — kicks off in Berlin for three days of exciting talks and workshops about the future of image licensing.

Shenhav Yehuda
3 min readMay 30, 2018


From 30 May to 1 June 2018 at the Maritim ProArte Hotel in Berlin, over 500 delegates from 250 companies and 32 countries will show up to what’s become recognized as the most important networking and information hub for visual content providers. It’s also a harbinger for photo industry disruption and game-changing innovation.

This year, we’re excited to see blockchain take over the conversation, and couldn’t be more excited to be presenting in three of the conference’s main events: an interactive discussion on blockchain as the future of the content industry, our pitch presentation during Cepic Innovation Day, and a panel on much needed alternative models for licensing photography. Oh — and meetings! Lots and lots of meetings.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

Can Blockchain Be Applied to the Photo Industry?
Wednesday 30 May, 10:00am to 11:30am | Salon 1 A, 1st floor of Maritim ProArte Hotel | Click here for more details

As you’ve probably noticed, blockchain technology is the content licensing industry’s buzzword-of-the-moment. Its ability to decentralize data and information management makes it well-suited for photography and other digital content and likely disrupt the stock image industry in game-changing ways. Moderated by Alexander Karst, Founder of Die Bildbeschaffer, Wemark’s Tai Kaish will join industry experts to discuss the many possible implications blockchain has for agencies, photographers, and content buyers alike.

Alternative Ways to license your photography
30th May 2018 15.30 to 16.30 | Salon 1 A of the Maritim ProArte Hotel in Berlin | Click here for more details

Each year, as part of Innovation Day, Cepic hosts the panel “Alternative Ways to License your Photography.” And this year, blockchain is taking over in full force. As digital content has led to major changes in the content industry, many content producers have been left feeling frustrated, confused, and cast aside by major content aggregators. Royalties have been significantly cut, and now, free image sites pose a new threat to content creators everywhere. The blockchain may be photographers’ next hope. This seminar aims to bring together some international experts, including Wemark’s Tai Kaish, to discuss the future of image licensing.

Innovation Day Pitch Presentation: MYTHBUSTERS — The Truths And Myths About Blockchain And Stock Photography
30th, May 16:50–16:55 | Maritim ProArte Hotel in Berlin | Click here for more details

We’ll discuss some of the common misconceptions about blockchain and shed some light on how it can help creators take control of their work, licensing and more. We’ll dispel some of the biggest truths and myths about blockchain and stock, such as “Will blockchain track copyright infringement?,” Will blockchain increase revenue?,” and one of our personal favorites: “Will blockchain turn everyone into stock photographers?” We’ll also discuss the details of our early contributor program and how to get involved.

One of the biggest events of the industry

“Cepic is one of the biggest events of the image industry.” Says Wemark co-founder Tai Kaish in advance of his talks.“This is the first year we will be part of this event, and it’s not surprising that blockchain took over the headlines. I’m excited to be in Berlin and address the potential of decentralizing the industry, along with the people who run this industry today.”

We’ve set up meetings with more than twenty of the photography industry’s most influential people.

Come say hi — we’d love to meet you!

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