WeMeta Launches The World’s First Metaverse Analytics Engine

Introducing WeMeta 1.0

Winston Robson
6 min readFeb 3, 2022


We are thrilled to release WeMeta 1.0! Our mission to simplify the Metaverse is underway, and there’s a lot to share about what we’ve been building since our last update.

We identified 2 key issues in the Metaverse, game development and community building. That is:

  • The games on-chain right now aren’t sticky (fun, engaging)
  • Communities in the Metaverse are split and siloed

From there we made 3 bets:

  1. The Open Metaverse will be made up of multiple worlds
  2. In-game metrics are key to the development of engaging content
  3. Communities need help comparing different worlds of the Metaverse

Along those lines, we have built the market aggregator and analytics layer of the metaverse, so anyone can easily understand and compare web3 games.


  • Marketplace Aggregator — Buy properties from any marketplace
  • Metaverse Dashboard — Compare world economies and make decisions
  • Event Analytics — Measure your scenes with our builder tag

Marketplace Aggregator

WeMeta has partnered with Gem.xyz — the best-in-class NFT Aggregator — to aggregate NFT land for sale across all marketplaces.

This means if land is for sale on OpenSea, Rarible, the Decentraland Marketplace, or wherever, you can buy it on wemeta.world.

Later this month, you will be able to “sweep the floor” or purchase multiple parcels at once!

Listings on WeMeta will soon go to our initial marketplace contract, which has an optional 1.25% “feed the devs” fee. Expect our multi-chain marketplace later this year!

When you list on wemeta.world, make sure to upload pictures of your digital real estate! It helps attract buyers 😉

Albeit powerful, the WeMeta platform isn’t limited to your laptop.

We have reworked our mobile site to provide a seamless interface on your smartphone as well!

Metaverse Dashboard

There’s a lot going on in the Metaverse. It’s pretty difficult just to keep up, let alone compare worlds and figure out which makes sense for you. People come to us every day and ask an excellent but open-ended question, “where should I buy?”

To simplify their journey, we built an economic dashboard and learning center so anyone can easily analyze the economies of Metaverse worlds in just a few moments.

At analytics.wemeta.world, you can follow stats like number of unique buyers, average price per square meter of Land, and top sales of the week across the Metaverse! That means you can compare stats on Decentraland, Somnium Space, The Sandbox, and Cryptovoxels all on a single page.

We are adding new worlds each week, so make sure to use this dashboard in collaboration with our Metaverse Leaderboards to complete the picture.

Measuring the Metaverse

For New Years Eve, we helped throw the party of the year in Decentraland!

The 1st Analytics Backed Event at One Times Square. (Jamestown/DCG)

MetaFest 2022 was the first analytics-backed event, and integrated the WeMeta Builder Tag — an interoperable data collection tool for Metaverse scenes — to aggregate attendance and experience metrics!

Why’s this New?

Before the Builder Tag, proving traction with points like foot traffic or photo booth usage required custom engineered analytics solutions for each world.

There hasn’t been a source to help developers understand the Metaverse as a whole, or where they fit in. Each builder had to program custom event listeners or manually collect information they thought might be useful in gauging the value of their construction.

How WeMeta is doing it

In partnership with GrowYourBase, we built a dashboard that presents metrics such as:

  • most popular wearables
  • which areas people enjoy the most
  • concurrent foot traffic over time
  • average visit length
  • server capacity

“The ability to monitor activity in projects during live events allows us to make real-time adjustments to enhance the user experience.

Our in-house division, Metaventure Studios has 11 active builds and we will utilize WeMeta’s proprietary technology on each project.”

— John Fields, CEO, GrowYourBase

Why is this important?

Architects and game makers can finally figure out what they’re building that people enjoy the most!

All they have to do is add a few lines of code to their new or existing Decentraland scenes and their dashboard will start lighting up!

“As a first mover in metaverse analytics, WeMeta provides insight into macro activity patterns that has previously been unavailable in the space.”

— Mark Witschorik, Director, Asset Management, Jamestown LP

What this means for the future

With the Builder Tag, Land and IP owners can help usher in activities that drive engagement in the world and learn how to best monetize their land.

NYE Scavenger Hunt at OTS (GrowYourBase)

A scene’s operator can quickly qualify hundreds of opportunities based on real-time and objective analytics from thousands of visitors. They can understand each attraction’s performance, and benchmark against other events in their respective world.

Investors can rapidly identify sites with the best customer fit. They can assess cannibalization, identify ideal co-tenants, and position strategically related to other events.

“At DCG, we believe that we are on cusp of the metaverse boom cycle, with a wide variety of investors and brands entering the space in thoughtful ways. Until now, our ability to understand and predict user behavior has been limited.

The WeMeta Analytics Tag lets developers track key metrics, like foot traffic, focus on individual scenes, and purchase habits, with a very simply plug and play solution. With accessible analytics, we expect to compound our understanding of metaverse behaviors with each build.

As a large virtual land owner, with a mandate to oversee and optimize our assets over the long-term, we appreciate firsthand the value superior analytics will drive for owners, designers, developers, users, and innovation across virtual worlds.”

— Samantha Bohbot, Director, Platform, Digital Currency Group

The star of NYE’s virtual ball-drop. (Jamestown/DCG)

If you are interested in adding the Builder Tag to your build, please reach out!

Or sign up for early access here: signup.wemeta.world

We are actively expanding coverage and excited to help you understand your builds!


Thanks for reading! Make sure to stop by our 1st Twitter space this Thursday Feb 3rd, follow us on socials or join the community on Discord to keep up with the latest. We’re finally starting to market! 🤙




Winston Robson
Editor for

Friend links: https://gumdropsteve.github.io/blog — “Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow, decision to the releasing of a trigger.”