Moving Iroko TV

Celestine Ezeokoye
WeMove Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2018

At 9:30AM of October 3, I received a message from an unsaved number on my WhatsApp.


I replied: “Yo!”, before checking the sender’s avatar.

When I checked, I saw it was Jason 'Igwe' Njoku. Because I had his other number but not this one, I thought it was someone trying to impersonate and I offered to confirm by sending a Twitter DM. But he confirmed that it was him, so we proceeded to discuss the reason why Jason “Yo-ed” me very early on Wednesday morning.

It happens that Iroko TV wanted to have their annual staff retreat on the coming Friday and really needed 10 coaster buses to move their over 400 staff to and from La Campagne Tropicana. They had called and asked around for vehicle, but mostly hadn’t been able to get up to 10. The stress of the process of finding vehicles was beginning to get to the planning. They needed help.

So I told Jason to get someone to make a booking on our website, When he told Remi to do it, happens that Remi had already called in and placed a request. Following up with Majid Tokurah, I discovered why it was difficult for Iroko TV to find someone to service their requests. All the major private vehicle hire service (which are all our partners) were already fully booked.

We did our WeMove magic ✨✨and by evening, they had 10 coaster buses, at reasonable prices.

Moving Offices

By 6:47 PM on Thursday, Jason was like:

“We moving office at the end of the month. You do that right?”

“Yup”, was my reply. “Just let me know whenever you need to move and I’ll get someone to call you and get details”.

Between Friday 26th and Monday 29th, we helped Iroko TV with the trucks which moved all their office stuff from their old office at Anthony Village to their new place.

WeMove — #MoveAnything

WeMove’s vehicle hire service offers customers the opportunity to book and hire any kind of vehicle they might need, to move anything they want to move. Iroko TV joined the likes of Flutterwave, Them Paystack, Google Nigeria, Unilever, etc, as corporate customers who have enjoyed our vehicle hire service.

With access to over 1,500 vehicles on our platform, we guarantee that there is almost no kind of vehicle that you might need which we cannot provide.

We opened officially for business in January 2018 and in just 10 months, we’ve gotten over 460 booking requests, valued at almost US$250,000, without a single kobo spent on advertisement.

WeMove isn’t just about vehicle hire is a service from WeMove Technologies Limited, a company dedicated to building innovative transportation focused technology for the 21st century African.

We believe that the current design for accessing and using transportation for majority of Africans is broken. It’s an archaic design, conceived and implemented before the advent of mobile and internet. Unfortunately, Africa still seem to be stuck with it through several generations.

Just as mobile and internet have revolutionised everything — banking (ALL OF BANKING), finance management (,, CowryWise, etc), Payments (Interswitch, Them Paystack, Flutterwave, etc), entertainment (irokotv, etc), it’s absolutely important that transportation is carried along. Otherwise, how will we all move around effectively?

In my next post, I’ll tell you about WeMove Technologies. The company, our approach and how we intend to bring transportation into the 21st century, for majority of Africans.

Stay with me!



Celestine Ezeokoye
WeMove Stories

Rebel • Founder & CEO, WeMove Technologies (owners of • Follow @WeMoveCo