Day 4- Write Down Your FB Status Updated in 2017

Wendy Chang 張雅鈞✈️
Wendy in Redwhiteslippers
1 min readFeb 23, 2018

Yeah, I know. I have missed for almost a month. Forgive me. I promptly decided to move back to my home town. I was busy preparing Chinese New Year. I AM preparing for applying for school.

The topic is a little bit weird, since it’s directly translated from Chinese. But even if it is written in Chinese, I still can’t fully understand what it means. I guess this means I just summarize my 2017 in a status?

I did do a summary of my 2016 at the end of that year. But 2017 ended very quietly. Maybe it is because there were so many things happened. I quit my job in a fancy public relations agency, worked as a freelancer for a couple of months, went back to workplace, found the company failed to pay the salary on time, quit, worked as a freelancer again. I spent three months to completely break up with my ex. and failed to keep the men I was interested interested. However, I went out to many places in Taiwan. I did five speeches in later in 2017. Hanging out with my friends, visiting Japan, finding out that I LOVE Kyoto very much……my 2017 is full of ups and downs but it is still shining. And I firmly believe 2018 will be the same.



Wendy Chang 張雅鈞✈️
Wendy in Redwhiteslippers

左手寫媒體寫公關,右手點戲點電影,翻譯遊走語言間,紅白拖要不停走。Writer, translator, and polyglot. PR and communication professional. Twitter: @wendychang1114