In partnership with renewable energy producers with enough capacity to power 440,000 households

Aukse Sia
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2018


Partnership with ambitious and innovative companies has always been of the key strengths of WePower. Some of the earliest partners that have joined us to help make our planet greener were three green energy development companies from Spain and Italy — Conquista solar, Civitas project and Novacorex from Italy. These partners have become our first clients and will infuse 1,000 MW into WePower’s veins — a capacity that could power around 440,000 households — once the WePower platform goes live in Spain.

Conquista solar, Civitas project and Novacorex will use WePower to raise capital for their new projects by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens will represent energy they will commit to produce and deliver to the Spanish energy wholesale market.

Conquista solar, Civitas project and Novacorex will use WePower to raise capital for their new projects by issuing their own energy tokens.

Their initial goal is to tokenize and pre-sell at least 20% of their future energy production.

We asked our partners to share their thoughts on the partnership. Here are their thoughts:

Patrick Herda, President at Novacorex Group:

“Working in the energy market and developing Renewable Energy facilities and Clean Technologies in various countries spread across several different continents, we have noticed a major shift in the human mentality throughout past years. People are ready to switch to green energy and it is exciting to see how modern technology can now fulfil this demand with ease. The WePower business model and tools are a perfect example. We are looking forward to working and driving the change together”

John Koopman, Managing Partner at Conquista Solar:

“We have worked in the field of renewable energy development with a firm belief that one-day energy could be produced at the market price. A year ago energy from renewable energy sources finally reached grid parity. We wish to develop more renewable energy plants and we are happy that WePower is creating a novel way to finance renewable energy development. We believe that people participation will enable the faster transition to a fully renewable future of Spain, as Spain is one of the countries blessed by an abundant amount of sunshine and a strong, available, infrastructure. We are developing solar projects in the best places of Spain for solar energy production for projects to provide energy for many years to come”

Frans Bakker, Development Director at Civitas Project:

“Keeping in mind issues with governmental subsiding that upcoming green energy plants were and still are facing, it was necessary for ideas like WePower to emerge. In Civitas project we aim to help our clients find the most efficient way to manage and grow their projects. WePower platform will be of great help in developing renewable energy projects and dealing with the frustrating current energy field funding situation.”

We are very excited about these developments. They are a fantastic validation of WePower and our mission. Accelerating the shift to green energy is more important than ever. With such partners as Conquista solar, Civitas project and Novacorex we are confident that we all can make the world green.

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