WePower — a founding member of the Climate Chain Coalition

Aukse Sia


During the One Planet Summit on December 12, 2017 in Paris, France (the 2nd anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement), a multi-stakeholder group of 12 organizations, of which WePower is proud to be present, working on distributed ledger technology (DLT, i.e. blockchain) held a meeting to agree to collaborate and establish an open global initiative called the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC). As of May 2018, over 80 organizations have joined the CCC.

WePower’s goal of using Blockchain to help with the financing of more renewable energy production, thus helping decarbonize the Smart Grid and inject more needed renewable energy into the Grid around the world is 100% in sync with the Climate Chain Coalition.

The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) is an open global initiative to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain (distributed ledger technology) and related digital solutions (e.g. IoT, big data) to help mobilize climate finance and enhance MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) to scale climate actions for mitigation and adaptation.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and now the World Bank are sponsors of the CCC and will act as facilitators for the organization as it begins working on making Blockchain and DLT viable tools in the fight against climate change.

WePower’s goal of using Blockchain to help with the financing of more renewable energy production, thus helping decarbonize the Smart Grid and inject more needed renewable energy into the Grid around the world is 100% in sync with the CCC. WePower is happy to be working with other like-minded organizations because it’s only by working together can we truly have an impact on the future of energy production for the better!

For more information click here: https://www.climatechaincoalition.io/

Please support this initiative by following us on Twitter.

