WePower featured in The Economist: How DLT technologies will transform the renewables industry

Annika Ljaš
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2018

We’re delighted to share that The Economist just published a very positive feature story on how the Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), blockchain in particular, have the potential to foster transition into renewables.

Up until now, the energy industry has remained rather untouched by the digital disruption that has transformed many other industries. From finance and manufacturing to medicine and education.

WePower aims to change the way renewable-electricity projects are paid for. The government-guaranteed prices that have propelled growth in wind and solar energy around the world are being cut back, says Nick Martyniuk, WePower’s founder. So his firm wants to help developers of renewables raise money by selling the rights to the electricity their plants will produce once built. Customers will buy a smart contract now, running on Ethereum’s blockchain, that will provide them with power later.

Read further directly from The Economist following this link to the original article.

Featured in The Economist

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Annika Ljaš

I help launch and grow startups as a Visiting CMO. Founder at noontide.io