WePower Token Sale Fact Sheet

Aukse Sia


It has been a week since we have completed our Token Sale with an overwhelming support from our partners and community.

In just few hours we have reached our 40 million USD hard cap with contributions from 22,933 participants and the support of such partners as DNA Fund, BlockchainIL, LDJ Capital, Science, OGroup / Kryptsu, PrimeBlock Capital, AlgoLedge, Connect Capital, and Everblue Capital.

In this blog post we want to share a set of statistics behind our Token Sale:

User statistics

Over the period starting from August 1st 2017 to February 1st, 2018 we had:

  • 1,447,989 visits to our website from 774,553 unique users;
  • 293,677 users registered for the news and updates;
  • 49,000 successfully completed our KYC procedure before the whitelisting was closed;
  • 37,744 additional users successfully completed our KYC procedure after the whitelisting was closed to participate in the lottery for an additional 1,000 allocations.

These numbers indicated a very big interest in our project and the WPR token. Although we could not provide an opportunity to participate in our token sale to all interested contributors ourselves, today we have received an update that the WPR token is now available on Huobi.pro platform. Listing platforms are free to add and remove WPR token from the listing independently from us. Also you can always track news and updates on the listing sites to see what tokens they have available.

Intended contributions

As a part of the registration flow we have asked users to indicate their intended contribution amounts. We have split all users into 5 different groups by the intended contribution amount. Here are the statistics for each of the contributor group with amounts indicated both in ETH and USD at the 1:1,000 ETH/USD exchange rate on the day of the token sale:

  • Up to 3 ETH: 48,636 ETH (49 million USD);
  • 3 to 5 ETH: 16,760 ETH (17 million USD);
  • 5 to 8 ETH: 37,538 ETH (38 million USD);
  • 8 to 20 ETH: 73,486 ETH (74 million USD);
  • 20 to 100 ETH: 115,501 ETH (116 million USD).
  • Cumulative: 291,921 ETH (292 million USD)

Interest by country

Interest in WePower has come from all around the world. We had site visitors from 232 countries and territories. Users from 213 countries and territories registered for news and updates and users from 193 countries were whitelisted (completed our KYC procedure) from the token sale.

Geographic split for news and update registrations:

  • United States — 11%
  • Australia — 10%
  • India — 7%
  • United Kingdom — 7%
  • Netherlands — 6%
  • South Korea — 4%
  • Vietnam — 4%
  • Germany — 3%
  • Other — 48%

Geographic split for whitelisting (completed KYC)*:

  • Australia — 11%
  • United Kingdom — 8%
  • Netherlands — 7%
  • India — 6%
  • Vietnam — 6%
  • South Korea — 4%
  • Germany — 4%
  • Canada — 4%
  • Other — 50%

*US citizens were not allowed to participate in WePower token sale and thus were not whitelisted.

Social media and community

Large part of our success undoubtedly has come from our large and very engaged community. Although the real impact of community support is very hard to quantify, here some of the metrics we have been closely following over the last few months:

Once again, thanks to all that helped us to start WePower with such an amazing traction. We are very excited to have so much support that puts us in a great position to move the world towards a green and sustainable future. Stay tuned — we have an amazing pipeline of partnerships and business development news to share with you very soon.

Join us on Telegram https://t.me/WePowerNetwork

