WePower unites the efforts with Stockholm Green Digital Finance to attract capital to green energy financing

Aukse Sia
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2017


Finance is the key to successful climate action. We need more ambition — climate change is moving faster than we are and this is a war we cannot afford to lose — United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said during the One Planet Summit earlier in December.

WePower and our new partner — Stockholm Green Digital Finance share the same view — green investments are instrumental to reach the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Stockholm Green Digital Finance drives the frontier in green financial innovation by unlocking the potential of green fintech solutions to advance the transition to sustainable societies.

Partnership with Stockholm Green Digital Finance means that WePower will join its Green Fintech Network. Green Fintech Network gathers fintech companies or initiatives whose business bottom line either directly supports sustainable and inclusive societies, or who are interested to explore how their technology can be supportive of such objectives.

Through the collaboration, WePower wants to manifest its role as a pivotal tool that enterprises and governments can use to make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change.

Finance is the key to successful climate action. We need more ambition — climate change is moving faster than we are and this is a war we cannot afford to lose — United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said during the One Planet Summit.

Stockholm Green Digital Finance collaborates with the members of the Green Fintech Network by:

  • Exploring joint innovation projects to deliver on sustainability objectives;
  • Inviting technical input and feedback on work streams;
  • Co-authoring Insight Briefs, OpEds or arranging seminars;
  • Showcasing innovative digital financial solutions and business models.

“Stockholm Green Digital Finance looks forward to welcoming WePower to the Green Fintech Network as an excellent example of innovative finance solutions for scaling the market for renewable energy” — Cecilia Repinski, Executive Director, Stockholm Green Digital Finance

Established in collaboration with Stockholm Fintech Hub, Stockholm Green Digital Finance works through constructive partnerships with capital market actors, international partners and fintech innovators to deliver solutions that help scale green finance and innovation globally for effective delivery on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

Stockholm Green Digital Finance is a not-for-profit and independent initiative committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

“WePower exists to accelerate the adoption of green sustainable energy systems without a need to fully rebuild the currently existing energy system. Our ambition is to do this on a globally meaningful scale. And for that we need blockchain. We are extremely happy to have a partner that shares similar vision and ambition. With Stockholm Green Digital Finance we want to help countries to reach UN Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the Paris Agreement” — Arturas Asakavicius, Co-Founder of WePower.

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