WePower’s crowdsale will be forecasted and promoted by WINGS. CLOSED.

Aukse Sia
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2018


New development will boost WePower with even more power from the crowd! Let us introduce you to WINGS, an Ethereum-based platform that harnesses the power of crowds for discovery and promotion of projects seeking funding. WINGS will be of great help in forecasting and promoting our upcoming ICO, which will take place on the 1st of February, 2018.

The WINGS Foundation brings blockchain-enabled projects to the mainstream via forecasting, and provides governance, prediction markets, and a decentralized crowdfunding platform. WINGS is an international cryptocurrency community where members can build trust while evaluating projects’ potential.

“The value of wisdom of the crowd has been well known and documented, and WINGS has developed a unique capacity to build a strong community and harness it for project valuation in the crypto space,” said Arturas Asakavicius, Co-Founder and COO of WePower. “We are very excited to have an opportunity for WePower to be evaluated by the WINGS community.”

After the WePower crowdsale the forecasters will be rewarded with up to 1.5% of WPR tokens released during the crowdsale. The reward will be capped at USD 525,000. Forecasting starts on the 10th of January, 2018 and ends on the 15th of January, 2018.

“WePower platform shows the true potential of blockchain technology and crowd-funding in revolutionizing and democratizing energy markets,” said WINGS Co-founder Dominik Zynis. “We are thrilled to join our forces and are looking forward to see how this game changing project will develop in the future.”

Register now on www.wepower.network

