What’s hot at WePower: April

Arturas Asakavicius
4 min readMay 10, 2018

Dear Community,

This is our second monthly “What’s hot at WePower” blog. With this blog we will give you an overview of our main activities/achievements in April and their impact to WePower.

1. Partnership with Energy Australia

Participants of SBC Accelerator Program on Demo Day


In April, we finished the StartupBootCamp Accelerator Program in Australia. During an intensive 3 month program, we shaped our business model for the Australian energy market. We worked with local companies, energy market experts and our advisors Trevor Townsend and Richard Celm to bring WePower to Australia.

Australian Business Model

In Australia, we are going to work as a technology facilitator enabling various energy companies (energy retailers, energy brokers and aggregators) — to connect renewable energy buyers with producers in a clear and transparent way. The developed model helps WePower to immediately scale and neatly fit into the Australian energy market and its ecosystem. This will allow everyone in Australia to benefit from WePower product — flexible, liquid, cheaper and transparent, renewable energy for energy buyers or upfront cash to build green energy projects to the renewable energy developers.

Compared to our European operational model, we will be able to scale much faster. By connecting various energy companies, together with our partners we will offer their customers to participate in the WePower energy ecosystem and buy energy cheaper. We will bring more capital to green development projects because the implemented model simplifies acquisition of energy buyers. By partnering with one retailer we can immediately get access to its customers base and offer them to enjoy benefits created by WePower.


Our first partnership in Australia is signed with one of the biggest local retailers — EnergyAustralia. It is servicing 2.62 million customer accounts in Australia. Energy Australia belongs to the CLP Group, which also owns leading energy companies in Hong Kong, Mainland China, India, Southeast Asia and Taiwan. We will start a trial with EnergyAustralia during which WePower platform will be tested with different type of customers of EnergyAustralia. Once trial is finished, WePower will be able to launch its operation in Australia. It is planned to start providing services in Australia in the end of this year. We will continue updating our community on the progress of this trial with EnergyAustralia.

WPR Tokens

The ability to connect multiple energy companies to one marketplace and allow their customers to buy green energy in the form of energy tokens, will increase applicability of WPR tokens. With the above described expansion we will offer millions of people living in Australia to participate in WePower energy ecosystem and use WPR tokens every time when they buy energy. For example, today WPR tokens are controlled by more than 30,000 cryptocurrency wallets. Thanks to this new partnership with EnergyAustralia we should reach a significant amount of new WPR token buyers.

2. Platform

In April, WePower development team’s was focused on WePower platform’s Alpha version 1. We presented the platform’s preview last week and now working towards the public release in June. The Team created the necessary functionality to start registering potential energy producers looking for capital for their new green development projects, potential green energy buyers and investors as well as market renewable energy project of our partners.

With the public release of WePower platform’s Alpha version 1 we will start multiple tests to improve the platform for the launch of our first energy auctions later this year.

Next steps after the public release of Alpha version 1:

  1. Estonian tokenization in August,
  2. trial with Energy Australia in June — September,
  3. Alpha version 2 release in September, iv) first energy auction in November.

3. Crypto Currency Space

The crypto currency market is slowly recovering. During this period WPR price remained above token sale price. Most of token sale participants bought WPR tokens when ETH was amounting to 1,000 USD. This shows phenomenal support of the community and trust that together we can enable everyone to shift our world to a sustainable energy future.

Recently WPR was listed on CoinSpot and now WPR can be bought with AUD. Shortly after, WPR won KuCoin vote by collecting more than 100,000 votes and was listed on this exchange. This win 100% belongs to our amazing community which I personaly invite you to join!

Now you can buy or sell tokens on Binance, Huobi, KuCoin, Liqui, Idex, EtherDelta, Coinfalcon, CoinSpot, DDex and Bitbns.

All the best!


