3 Positive Habits for a Healthy Workplace

Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind


Play nice in the sandbox, kids.

Here at Moodica, we’re big fans of the good folks over at Mindful magazine, and were intrigued when they recently shared an insightful study from Google. The study declared that it had, at long last, found the secret to good teamwork. “Members of productive teams take the effort to understand each other, find a way to relate to each other, and then try to make themselves understood.“ In layman terms, as Mindful reported, the basic just of it all is: just be nice.

Look, we’ve all been there, ok? Who knows, maybe you’re in that exact same situation right now. There is nothing worse than dreading having to wake up in the morning knowing you’re going to have to deal with someone like this…

Which makes you feel like this:

and, more than likely, will make you want to do this:

Your work environment, including the people in it, has the power to either enrich your life greatly or serve as one of the single greatest stress-factors in your life.

Michael Poh at Hongkiat describes a work environment this way: “[a work environment is] everything that forms part of employees’ involvement with the work itself, such as the relationship with co-workers and supervisors, organizational culture, room for personal development, etc.”

But the “happy” workplace environment is more elusive that you think. According to a 2016 survey from the Harvard School of Public Health, “Nearly half (44%) of working adults say that their current job affects their overall health, but only 28% of those believe that effect is a good one…creating a culture of health goes beyond sick days.”

So the question is: What can you do?

Well, thankfully, even in the face of a less-than-desirable work situation, there are things we can physically and mentally do every day to make try and create a healthy environment.

#1. Smile & Say Thank You.

Smile and say “Hi” to your coworkers, even if it’s just passing them in the break room. But make sure and make that smile a genuine one — otherwise, don’t bother. And while you’re at it? Surprise your co-workers with an unexpected “thank you.” It could be for something they said in a meeting, or the way they handled a difficult situation, or just for being great to work with.

#2. Pay it forward.

Put your ego in the back seat and pay it forward. You’re not the only one stressed out at work, trust us, so why not help yourself by helping others. Perhaps invite them to lunch, surprise them with a snack, or just take a seat and shoot the breeze.

#3. Give Yourself a Mental vacay.

Let Moodica help give your brain the mental break it so desperately needs. After a hard meeting with the boss, turn on Moodica for some mental relaxation.

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Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon