The 5 Easiest Ways to Stay Mindful Every Morning.

Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind


It really is easy as 1, 2, 3 … 4 and 5.

Confession: I am not a morning person.

In fact, I don’t even like being around people who are morning people. Which makes it awkward because my husband is, like, the ultimate morning person. He’s up early, and dives straight into his routine: breakfast, a little TV, some reading, some brief calisthenics. He has a stressful job, so this morning routine is critical for him: when something morning messes with the routine, the rest of his day is off.

Me? I’m out of bed only, and I mean ONLY, there is no possible time left to squeeze out of the morning. Worse than that, I’m hopelessly connected to social media and so the first thing I see in the morning tends to be an endless barrage of bad news on my feed. Not exactly the right way to start the day.

The reason my husband and I have such a different relationship with morning time, is because he chooses to carve out some much-needed alone time and it has a direct impact on how the rest of his day goes.

Here at Moodica we’re all about mindfulness, wellness, and happiness so we tend to take these things seriously. So even though I’m guilty-as-charged when it comes to not taking advantage of mornings, believe me, I’m here to tell you: if you’re looking to be more mindful in your morning routines, this is the best way to start with the basics.

#1. Sleep

This is obvious but the reason it’s obvious is because it’s important. Morning mindfulness begins the day before. Whether you’re in college or retired, selecting a bedtime is crucial and, even more crucial, is setting your alarm…and sticking to it. (We love the snooze button too, but it is EVIL.) Sleep deprivation greatly contributes to stress so take control of bed time — be your own mom.

#2. Reflect

Some people mediate, others pray, while others journal. Whatever your pleasure, it’s imperative to spend some time with you before the day gets started. Set goals. Dream. The most important thing about the morning needs to be you. Whether it’s meditation, journaling, yoga, running, or whatever, it’s important to engage in an activity where it is entirely about your relationship with you.

#3. Smile

It’s no secret that laughing is crucial to mental health, and treating your brain to something light and fun is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Remember when people thought obsessing over pet videos were something that only your crazy aunt did? So. Wrong. Laughing or smiling is essential to your cognitive health, and especially important in the morning. Whether it’s watching your favorite episode of Bob’s Burgers, or listening to one of your embarrassing favorite pop hits from [insert freshman year of high school here].

#4. Sweat

Ok, we’re not saying you have to hit the gym at 5 a.m. (Those of you who do? We’re not worthy.) But even just a brisk 10 minute walk around the block — or some quick calisthenics in your living room — can do wonders for your mood thanks to a little think called endorphins. Also, it’s been suggested that your body can burn 20% more fat before your first morning meal so…there’s that as an incentive, too!

Speaking of food…

#5. Eat Lightly

While there’s some debate on whether or not breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, there’s no debate about the fact that it’s one of the kindest things you can do for your body and mind. Eating a light, nourishing breakfast (oatmeal, yogurt, or even just coffee and O.J.) raises your energy level and helps your glucose levels. It also lowers the stress hormone cortisol, which is always a good thing.

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Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon