Beat Stress (and Get Creative!) with These 5 Unique Hobbies.

Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind
4 min readMay 26, 2017


Don’t worry: Yoga isn’t one of them.

Some people have a natural aversion to the word “hobbies.” Images of your great uncle’s dusty old stamp or coin collection might well elicit an eye-roll or two when someone is told to “get a hobby.” These days you’re just too busy doing “important” things to be bothered with trivial things like hobbies.

Well, here at Moodica we are major champions of them and are here to tell you that it’s one of the easiest way to beat stress. According to Very Well magazine, people who engaged in leisurely hobbies were found to have “lower blood pressure, total cortisol, waist circumference, and body mass index, and perceptions of better physical function.” This makes perfect sense when you remember that chronic stress — that is, a stressful state of mind that occurs on a regular basis — results in damaging physical problems like a weak immune system and a wide-ranging number of physiological problems.

The power of positive psychology here is solid. Whether or not your life is too busy or even if it’s not busy enough, hobbies are a productive way to nurture your mind, body and spirit in a positive, healthy way. With a hobby, you are your own boss. You set your own rules. And, no, it doesn’t mean stamp collecting … unless you’re totally into that! (This is a judge-free zone.)

Not sure where to start? We have some fresh, unique hobby ideas for you to consider!

#1. Ikebana.

This is recommended for all you A Types out there. The left side of your brain is going to love the disciplined rules of this ancient Japanese art form, and the right side of your brain is going to freak out over how ridiculously gorgeous it all is.

#2. Bullet Journaling.

Scientific American put it this way: “”Whether people realize it or not, many approach computers and tablets with a state of mind less conducive to learning than the one they bring to paper.” Basically? As slick and pretty as that organizational app is on your phone, your brain is an analog creation and it behaves differently when in an analog environment. So let your brain run free through a field of daisies and start bullet journaling today.

#3. Adult Coloring Books.

You’ve seen them in the stores and might have snickered, but: talk to the hand, haters. When it comes to a helping stress and anxiety, adult coloring books are one of the most useful hobbies in existence. Think of it as Art Therapy 1.0. Yes, it eases stress by allowing you to switch off your brain and immerse yourself in the moment (aka: meditation), but the rules involved and intricacy of the designs create a feeling of safety: humans need rules, and adult coloring books allow us to feel completely in control of them.

#4. Upcycle!

Ok, so basically upcycling is the old idea of making old new again. We’ve done this for centuries: your grandparents upcycled — not throwing things away but finding new uses for them, and your parents upcycled — in the form of hand-me-downs. Today, you can basically upcycle your entire life and the possibilities are endless: wine bottle chandeliers? Pillow case garment bags? Why the heck not! Have fun with this one, guys!

#5. Embroidering

Remember about 5 years ago when every hipster on the planet was super obsessed with knitting? Embroidery might have flown under your radar. Think of it as knitting’s slightly more complicated, high maintenance older sister. But gosh, is it ever pretty. It’s also extremely affordable, so that’s always a big plus.

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Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon