How to Escape this Ungodly Heat Wave if all the Air Conditioners are Sold Out

Chill Colleen
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind
2 min readJun 22, 2017

True Story: As the heat rose to an unusual 93 degrees (close to 100 degrees inside my house) in the Bay Area this weekend, I found myself nearly 9 months pregnant and searching desperately for an air conditioner, or at least a fan, to escape the ungodly heat. Feeling like the Virgin Mary looking for an inn, I was turned away from three major department stores with firm “SOLD OUT”s. What to do while I waited several days for my air conditioner to be delivered (which ended up being stolen straight off my porch)?

It was time to get creative, so here’s what I did, and what you should do, too, as the heat wave peaks this week:

  1. Place a chair directly in front of your fridge and open it wide.
  2. Grab a popsicle and stick it straight in your mouth.
  3. Get your laptop right in front of your face and tune into the Cool Off Collection on Moodica.

4. Feel a wave of sweet relief as your mind and body takes a trip through icebergs, alpine ski resorts, urban blizzards, and peaceful frozen rivers.

5. Vow that next heat wave you will beat the crowd to the air conditioners if it’s the last thing you do.

There, don’t you feel better? You can watch each of the videos in this compilation, and more, on an endless loop at Moodica!

Moodica is a vacation for your brain, bringing you the most soothing sights and sounds on earth. Watch more relaxing and oddly satisfying videos on your desktop, Amazon Fire and Apple TV!

