Stop Procrastinating! These 5 Inspirational Videos Will Help You Get. It. DONE.

Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind
4 min readMay 11, 2017

It’s OK. You’re in a safe space here at Moodica.

Stop Procrastinating! These 5 Inspirational Videos Will Help You Get. It. DONE.

Chances are if you’re like many creative folks, you’ve been trying to conquer procrastination since your junior year final exams. You meant well then, and you mean well now. You’re given a project — sometimes you even are excited about it. You might even go so far as to write down a schedule. It’s gonna happen. This is it. You can feel it. THIS IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE.

And then …

Look. You’re among friends, here at Moodica. We. Get. It.

Watching a YouTube video on your friend’s Facebook page when you should be working on a deadline is like, legit the most glorious feeling imaginable. But, unfortunately, it’s like drinking cheap booze: the morning after is … miserable. Of course, experts on the subject of procrastination will tell you that the best way to not procrastinate is to avoid procrastination. (Heh. Said no procrastinator ever.)

But fact is, they kind of have it right. Yes, obviously, avoiding procrastination is the best way to NOT PROCRASTINATE (duh) but the fact is, this is a deeper issue, a lot of which are all tangled up in psychological hang-ups. Because the fact is, we’re hurting our performance — going out of our way to not meet our potential…and the worst part is? We are acutely aware of it.

Psychology Today puts it like this: “Telling someone who procrastinates to buy a weekly planner is like telling someone with chronic depression to just cheer up.”

Ok. That hurts. But, it hurts because it’s true. The bottom line: procrastination does end up costing us. Big time. And not even just in work performance, but in our cognitive health. Studies have shown that, for example, procrastinators in college tend to have compromised immune systems as more colds and flu. Insomnia is also common.

So why do you procrastinate and what can you do about it?

Here are the top 5 reasons we procrastinate, along with 5 curated Moodica mental vacations that will help re-set your brain and, hopefully, inspire you to get. it. done.

#5: Deep down, you’re afraid of failure.

Yeah, it sounds cliche but: failure does not define you unless you let it. People have so many beautiful traits that define them: their kindnesses, their love, their friendship — assert and feed your strengths. Believe in you!

Set the mood for success with Moodica:

#4: You over-promise.

Look, you tend to over-promise because you want to do the best. But that almost always results in under-delivering. Be honest with yourself upfront. That starts with being honest with your strengths and limitations.

Moodica can help inspire your strengths:

#3: You are just too darn easily distracted.

Life is full of distractions. But some of those distractions are choices. Today more than ever it’s easy to be overwhelmed by your news feed, but don’t let it steal your resolve to meet your deadlines. Turn off the TV and your FB feed, and keep Moodica the background to help settle you into your project:

#2.: It’s All…Or Nothing.

Look, it’s brick by brick, right? Rome truly wasn’t built in a day and neither are goals. They’re achieved by making brick-by-brick progress, rather than going in full throttle and then … losing steam.

Don’t quit. Moodica is here to keep you going:

#1. You Sell Yourself Short.

Look, when you don’t reach your set goal it’s easy to be consumed with regret…and then the cycle of doubt continues. You don’t deserve self-loathing — no one does — and you need to embrace the beautiful truth that the future is yours for the making!

Moodica is here to help inspire you to greatness:

Moodica is a vacation for your brain, bringing you the most soothing sights and sounds on earth. Watch these and more oddly satisfying videos on your desktop, Amazon Fire and Apple TV!



Moodica Maven
Moodica: Visual Vacations for Your Mind

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon