Drake gives the best shoulder rubs!

Drake And Basketball Are Already Champions

Liz Gallo
We're Still Cool
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2019


In one of the many Facebook groups I belong to, this quote passed through my timeline, “I don’t care about basketball or drake but I will never tire of the memes that have been born from those two things combined.”

While I care about both Drake and Basketball, I couldn’t agree more with the sentiment. Drake might be the most memeable celebrity there is. Basketball might be the most memeable sport. What is basketball but entertainment? What is Drizzy but an entertainer? Therefore by this logic, they must come together.

The powers that be or old white men who don’t like to have fun and Bucks fans seem to be upset about Drake’s overexuberance aka hype. They need to take a seat and remember what it means to enjoy life because Drake plus basketball is a gift that just keeps g*dd*mned giving.

In honor of the North’s (I mean Raptors) first appearance in the NBA finals, here are a few of my favorite Drake + Basketball memes and pics.

Why is this first one so small but so good?

Hot Bling and Basketball

Put him in coach

A whole team of Drakes!



Liz Gallo
We're Still Cool

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