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Giving Thanks To my listeners and readers

Liz Gallo
We're Still Cool
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018


Dear Readers,

Starting a Thanksgiving tradition of giving thanks is not easy. I feel I have so much to be thankful for. How do I decide who and/or what to thank without feeling like I am leaving others out? Thanksgiving morning, I decided I wanted to thank you for one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given. I wanted to thank my listeners and readers for being here with me.

How do you give thanks to the people that read your work? I write several different forms on several different platforms. I also do performance storytelling and poetry. There are people in all these spaces who engage with my work.

I’ve had people tell me they have read my work out of the blue. It’s always such a lovely surprise to hear that you have enjoyed my work. Most days I assume the people engaging with my work is very small. The truth is there are people listening to or reading my work out there and I have no idea. That’s amazing to me.

On WattPad and AO3 (Archive of Our Own) I write fanfiction and original fiction. I also post poetry on these platforms. Medium has become a space for flash non-fiction. Granted I do have a few poems on this platform too. There are even a few readings on Youtube. (And I hope to add more there.)



Liz Gallo
We're Still Cool

Posting about culture, music, entertainment, art, poetry, tech, sports, life, no particular order.