Index for Deplorables

John de Guzmán
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2016

It drives me up a wall when someone uses the terms “communist,” “socialist,” and “libtard” interchangeably. They mean different things.

So, as we describe the Cabinet of Deplorables Trump is building, we have to make sure we get our terms right. So, here’s an index to keep handy, in mostly-alphabetic order.


A ruler who has absolute power. That’s me in my house when it comes to what we watch on TV, and it’s what Trump thinks he’s going to be. We’ve already seen that in how he campaigned, ran his businesses and how he is hiring a cabinet of “yes men.” (so many men)


Someone who is intolerant to those who hold differing opinions. In this political climate, we’re all kinda bigots because we can’t believe what in the FUCK the other side is doing. Libtards understand the other side has differing opinions, but Repooblicans want to destroy the other side.


A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument. This is, basically, Trump. You can use this word for him. It’s safe to. He’ll admit this is what his campaign was built on. Trump is a demagogue. See? It works.


A way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Again, this is what Trump would want in a government. He takes up a conscious Twitter fight with someone who points out a negative fact against him. That pettiness drives fascists. So, yes: Donald Trump is a fascist.


Someone who very strongly supports and is guided by the ideology of a particular group. So, Bernie Sanders was driven by leveling the playing field for all Americans by raising up the poor. He’s an ideologue, given a good one. Others aren’t so great, like Trump’s attorney general who thinks people who smoke pot are horrible or almost everyone on his cabinet who thinks Islam is bad. So, pretty much all of Trump’s people are ideologies.


A hatred of women. This one is harder to pinpoint, because no politician can come right out and say, “I hate women.” You have to look at their voting record and see if there’s a pattern. If they want to control/remove a woman’s access to birth control, like Mike Pence, because they fear sexually liberated women, they are a misogynist. Or if you, like Mike Pence, try to legally redefine rape to limit access to abortion, then you’re a misogynist. (There are others in Trump’s cabinet, too.)


Someone who wants a country ruled by the richest people. Uh. Trump’s cabinet is the richest ever assembled, a regular who’s who of billionaires born with a silver spoon in their mouths. You could also argue, given their drive to lower taxes for the rich, gerrymander districts, perform effective voter suppression, and to embrace Citizen’s United, that the entire Repooblican party is a set of plutocrats. Thet don’t want the poor to have a voice as the 0.1% keeps growing more wealth than we could imagine.


Being prejudiced against people based on their race. Every time Donald Trump heard a question about African Americans in the campaign, he talked about poor, uneducated, all-hope-is-lost blacks living in inner-cities who are shot on the sidewalk while doing errands. That is, um, racism. He also discriminated against blacks when he was a landlord. Yes: Donald Trump is a racist. You can say that.


Those who embrace the worst of the current Republican platform: sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, fascist, autocratic, bigoted demagogues. I just made it up, but it works.

White Supremacist

People who think the white race is superior. Yeah. The KKK, for example. All endorsed Donald Trump for president, and all are celebrating that he won.

White Nationalist

Someone who thinks their country should only be made up of white people. Most of these deplorable are White Supremacists. All are close-minded. All supported Donald Trump for president, and all are celebrating Steve Bannon being in the White House. (Please google Steve Bannon if you haven’t yet. He’s an opportunistic monster.)


Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. This was a very big plank in Donald Trump’s campaign. He preached fear of Mexicans, Muslims, African Americans, and, even, fear of women… which are all strangers if you live in a small-enough bubble… which is a lot of Trump’s Repooblicans.

So, now you know how to describe our representatives in the highest levels of government. For example: Donald Trump is a racist, fascist, autocratic, xenophobic bigot who hires idealogue, mysoginists who cater to white nationalists.

