Trump’s social threat isn’t getting coverage

John de Guzmán
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2016

Trump’s campaign was light on policy, and heavy on inflammatory rhetoric. Just enough people looked passed the rhetoric to vote on his thin policy proposal.

But a majority of Americans voted against his doomed vision of USA, electing Hillary’s vision of inclusion. As the ramifications of a Trump presidency sink in, the racist, sexist, xenophobic language is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. It hasn’t been address by the media or, more importantly, resolved by Donald Trump.

While not all of his supports are racist, sexual predators or antisemites, some are. And the silence around this topic is empowering them. Hillary supporters are more scared of the hate he’s inspired than his thin policy offerings.

His “basket of deplorable” supporters are acting out, in real life, and the results are confirming everyone’s fears.

That’s Megan. She’s a editor as Esquire with a decent amount of followers, so her story got attention. But, these assaults are happening all over the country, frequently with people saying “Trump” in their insults, as if that validates them. Or empowers them. Or justifies them.

When I read that tweet, I’m appalled. My instinct is to support Megan. To protect her. We here believe in equality. A society that is safe for everyone. See: We’re with US.

But that’s not how twitter sees it.

That is shocking. If we, as a nation, can’t agree that’s appalling, we have a lot more work to do than I can imagine. I hope this blog helps bring light where it’s needed. But, more importantly, I’m committed to exploring the political process and creating more educated voters.

“We’re With US” is on twitter, facebook and here on medium. Please follow us and share.

