Around The World In 2017— Phil Belleau

By Phil Belleau - Director of Sales & Polaris Program Lead

3 min readJan 16, 2018


A year ago, WYCO was 4 people, 1 group of members, and a whole bevy of unanswered questions. Fast forward to today and we’ve added 12 employees, launched our 4th trip, and pretty firmly put to bed many of those hanging concerns. To avoid the cliché, I would compare the past year to anything other than a rollercoaster if it weren’t just so damn apt. There was no one moment that stands out, but rather a series of moments building into an impressive momentum that’s still gaining speed.

Having never done it, I was as skeptical as any that business and productive work could be done while on the road. Will it be distracting? Will the WiFi work? Will there be Pepto Bismol in Asia?? Now, when explaining life on the road to newcomers, I can say with 100% confidence that not only can you be productive, you can thrive. Jumping into a new city and finding your groove is nowhere near as daunting as it may sound (especially since we’re taking care of all the logistics for you :). Each location has had its impact on our creativity and passions, and being honest, the locations aren’t even the best part.

Now don’t get me wrong, the localities were all charming — Croatia with its islands, Belgrade’s gritty history, Bogota’s food scene (best I’ve ever had, weird right?). But far and away the highlight of this trip for me has been the people. Starting with our crew, who would make Richard Dean Anderson proud with their resourcefulness and ability get s**t done consistently, and have become family to me. Then toss in our members — a group of diverse, driven, and seriously intelligent folks who I’m still learning from everyday. Add these together and honestly I don’t really care where you put me, it’ll be solid.

Looking around our group as the first year wound to a close in Bali, it was easy to see the changes and growth that had taken place across the board. If our inaugural group’s growth is a seismograph for the impact that our programs will have in the future, then I like what’s coming. We’re ramping up into 2018 with a the same hard work but a lot of new ideas. Stay tuned.

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