Can you show me pics of the apartments?

Nathan Yates
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2017

Ah, the number one question we hear in the Roamer interview process. And it’s a inquiry that invokes more stammered replies and vague email responses from admissions staff across our industry than any other.

The truth is, the travel-while-working industry has a transparency problem. Take a quick look around at some of the programs out there and you’ll find yourself asking questions like —

Why aren’t the founders and employees listed?
What destinations are included on the itinerary?

Where exactly is destination “TBD”?
What is actually included?
What types of people are on the trip?
What are the accommodations and workspaces like?
Are these pictures and videos from the actual trip…or just [GASP] stock photos?

Seems like a trip around the world with a program you are entrusting your life with for up to a year would merit a bit more transparency? I mean, I love adventure, but I‘m not interested in living in a hostel, a windowless basement, a place without running water, or ANYWHERE that is below freezing when I’m paying $2k a month. Maybe I’m just bougie.

So why this lack of transparency with so many companies in our space? Use your imagination. At WYCO, we take the opposite approach. From our lookbooks of actual accommodations and workspaces, to our daily social media and blog posts, we are shining light on our real remote-work-travel experience.

So, on this “Transparency Tuesday”, we wanted to share a visual blog of the real life workspaces and housing accomodations that we provide on our trips. Many of which will be featured again on upcoming itineraries. And we aren’t stopping here, we have big plans to provide even more insights into the experience in the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned.

When you shop around and compare different programs, (which is something you should do) be sure and politely ask our friends in the industry for pics of actual accommodations. You can blame it on me if you’re nervous :)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Apartment — Living Room & Kitchen
Apartment — Backyard
Coworking Space

Florianópolis, Brazil

Apartment — Living Room
Apartment — Bedrooms
Coworking Space

Bogotá, Colombia

Apartment — Dining Room & Kitchen
Apartment — Bedroom
Coworking Space

Rabat, Morocco

Apartment — Living Room
Apartment — Bedrooms
Coworking Space
Coworking Space

Barcelona, Spain

Apartment — Bedroom
Apartment — Bathroom
Apartment — Rooftop Pool Deck
Coworking Space

Prague, Czech Republic

Apartment — Bedroom
Apartment — Dining Room
Coworking Space

Berlin, Germany

Apartment — Bedroom & Bathroom
Apartment — Living Room
Coworking Space

If you’re curious to learn more, send us an email at and check out our FAQ page.


Over and out,


