Choose Your Own Adventure

Heather Stephens
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2017

We’re going to let you in on a little secret… This is your life, and you have full permission to explore, discover, create, and do it in whatever way you want.

It is that simple.

Beware though, people will try to stick you into all kinds of boxes. They’ll use wholesome-sounding keywords like — goals, process, and pay-off. They’ll tell you that happiness and success comes from showing up to the 9–5 desk job, hustling hard, and putting in those long hours. They’ll say that eventually the grind will pay off and you’ll be able to live the life that you’ve always dreamed of living.

But a funny things happens when we follow this plan — we wake up one day after all the hard work and grind only to find that somewhere en route to the big dream, we lost touch. We failed to recognize that true joy comes from being present, engaged, and feeling connected the whole way along.

Two years ago, our founders caught on to the madness. They saw a different way of doing life, and they began to build a movement that would eventually become known as We Roam.

In January, the vision of a remote work travel program for the serious remote working professional became a reality when we launched our first trip around the world, Polaris. With our program, we offer travel between destinations, housing accommodations, and workspaces in thirty of the most interesting locations on earth.

Within weeks of Polaris trip launch, word had spread that there was finally a travel-while-working program built by adventurous, serious, bold professionals, for adventurous, serious, bold professionals. Quality applications started rolling in. And so we went back to the drawing board and began mapping out more trips.

For 2017–18, we have five itineraries set. Polaris I, Orion, Lyra, Solis, and Polaris II. We’ve created formula that allows for trip flexibility.

“From the beginning, our goal has been to bring together the most talented and interesting remote working professionals from around the world. You can’t tell this type of candidate — ‘Report on X date, in X city, to spend an entire year with the SAME people.’ Hard Pass. Our Roamers have too much going on with their careers and personal lives to subscribe to a model that’s overly rigid. We took a more fluid approach, and it’s created a very appealing dynamic.” — Nathan Yates

Take a spin through our frequently asked questions, and learn more about how we allow you to choose your own adventure…

What are my trip length options?
While the full-year experience remains a popular option, we allow complete flexibility when it comes to trip length, subject to a 3 month minimum.

When can I start a trip?
You tell us! Our itineraries are not meant to be rigid, linear trips with set starts or stops. As long as an itinerary isn’t full, you can join whenever you want. Our flexible platform, combined with our strong full-year demand, creates a unique dynamic where you have a core group of longer term Roamers mingling with Roamers who are rotating in and out on a quarterly basis. No matter when you start, you can bet you will have others joining at the same time as you.

Can I jump between itineraries?
Of course! The only requirement is that you stay for a minimum of 3 months on each itinerary.

What if I need to pause or leave my trip in the middle?
Many of our Roamers have a month or two that they need to skip due to any number of reasons (from work conferences to weddings). All you need to do is give us notice of which month(s) you need to skip, and we‘ll make a plan with you. No penalties, no holding fees. Simply rejoin after your absence and resume monthly payments.

What if I want to go for a full year, but the itinerary I want to join is already in progress?
We’ve got you covered. You will not only have the option of jumping onto one of our many other itineraries once your original itinerary “ends”, but we specifically launch new itineraries that fit together with the others, allowing Roamers to seamlessly continue their adventure.

We view travel as a catalyst for creativity and mind expansiveness. You’ll see places we’ve never seen before, and interact with people with societal norms that are different from your own. It’s an eye opening, game-changing, life revelation after revelation for those who are willing to jump on.

So come along with us. Go it your own way, and take a chance on that curious voice inside your head. See what happens when you say YES to a life that falls outside the lines. Watch your career take off, and your world open up.

For more questions or to speak with one of our team members, shoot us an email at —


