Mapping The Future

Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018

By Michaela Murray — Introducing A New Series: WYCO Forward

The Jetsons were pretty cool. They weren’t my numero uno, but a solid option nonetheless for a kid growing up during the 90’s. The show reflected the perfect formula for juvenile viewing. It had a rambunctious pet, two relatable adolescents, and an other-worldly context. However, it also evoked a sense of discomfort in me personally. At the time, I couldn’t quite identify what is was that caused this unease, but today it seems rather obvious. The future.

The time beyond the present is a daunting place for multiple reasons. 1) It’s different to now, and 2) we can’t be certain of our hypotheses about it. With so many technological, political, and sociological factors that are at play when considering the forecasted human (or non-human) trajectory, it’s ultimately a space of fantasy. For now. And while daunting it may be, it’s also pretty damn invigorating — knowing that there are crucial things happening today that will ultimately define and redefine human existence tomorrow. Literally tomorrow.

Innovation has been fast tracked. According to Moore’s Law, computer processing speed is doubling every 18 months. And this is just one symptom of a greater pattern illustrating that all technological change occurs at an exponential rate. Essentially, if technological innovation came in waves, the distance between these waves is shortening at an accelerated pace. That means that in one lifespan, we will bear witness to increments of development that were inconceivable for previous generations. The world we were born into is not the same one we will die in. Within this context, in many ways, the future is happening right now.

WYCO, like the Jetsons, has the ability to make people feel uncomfortable. To many, it’s a foreign concept. It’s an experience that deconstructs concepts of work, travel and lifestyle, and rebuilds them in a modern, evolving context. With roots in the future and a client base consisting of thought leaders, it only makes sense that we begin prompting discussions around themes of futuristic development.

So with that, we introduce you to WYCO Forward, a space where we will bring you news on technological advancements, and discussions on their respective implications. We will be covering a diverse range of subject matter around innovation, technology and culture, with special attention on the future of travel and work. We encourage you to tune in, and contribute where you have scope or opinions. It’s a space where we will be sharing ideas, and cultivating intrigue — a space that aims to generate questions, not answers.

A preview of what you can look forward to: The rise of Virtual Reality and what it means for the travel industry; Virtual assistants — the most suitable travel companions; The Digital Resistance — remote working for the anti-tech; The Time-Pressure Paradox — measurables in a lifescape of hyperactivity; Artificial Intelligence and what it means for remote-workers.

Welcome to WYCO Forward, where we are going beyond the hyperloop. In the words of George Jetson, “Jane. Stop this crazy thing.”

