The Dream Team Meets The Supreme Team

Nathan Yates
Published in
6 min readJun 26, 2017

Here’s a hot take … WYCO isn’t a tech startup. There’s no middle-out-compression code, no patent portfolio, no relationship with a silicon valley guru driving up our valuation. Rather our tangible, early success and rapid growth is fueled almost solely by our people. Our team. The most impactful decision Sean and I made early on was to go out and hire the most talented, luxury-travel operations and logistics manager we could find (Hey Blaine!). And, as we go from having one trip at the beginning of the year to announcing the start of three additional trips in the next six months, we are acutely aware that maintaining our status as THE professional work-while-traveling-program, very much depends on the staff we build, the culture we cultivate, and our collective ability to attract the most talented remote working professionals out there.

At the beginning of this month, our first team building round culminated in the hiring of five new staff members, taking our full-time team member count to ten. Read on to learn a little more about each of these newbies.

Katie Lotz — Orion Program Lead & Operations

Before WYCO, I worked for 3.5 years at a luxury travel company that curated private, customized trips to destinations all over the world. I learned a great deal about the travel industry, operations and logistics; continued traveling and expanded my destination knowledge.

Once I learned about WYCO, I knew it was a team I wanted to be a part of. I believe traveling while working remotely is the way of the future and knew the WYCO team was doing it better than anyone else in the business.

I am beyond excited for the adventures ahead. From meeting new people, trying new foods, and exploring new places, to the tougher parts of communicating in a language that I don’t know, getting used to cultural differences in new places, and the tricky surprises that I can’t even try to predict that always come with travel. It is going to be epic.

Favorite Quote: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Heather Stephens — Marketing Strategy

I spent the past three years working in marketing and community management for a women’s running apparel company in Seattle. I traveled all around the US for community events and races, and fell in love with a life on the move.

After a recent stint in Europe, my lust for international travel took off. I started to explore options for working abroad and traveling around the world. There were gap year programs out there, but I wanted to find something that would allow me to transform my personal and professional life simultaneously. After diligent searching, a worthy possibility surfaced — WYCO: a remote work and travel company for serious professionals.

Now, I guess you can say, the rest is history. I’m pursuing my dream and I’m a part of a movement bigger than myself. I can’t stop smiling thinking of all the incredible adventures ahead.

Favorite Quote: “The real secret of life is to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” Alan Watts

Billy Schreyer — Orion Program Lead & Admissions

Two years ago, I left the world of corporate advertising and I’ve never looked back. I’m a strong advocate for pursuing your dreams and passions in life. I’m a total adventure junky, so I’ve spent quite a bit of time back-packing and traveling around the world.

Blaine Anderson and I have been long-time friends, so I’d heard a little bit here and there about WYCO. A remote work travel program — the perfect fit for me.

This is definitely going to be a year for the books. You can take something away from every place and every experience as long as you lead with an open mind. Travel makes you modest, it has the ability to make you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. I can’t tell you one specific thing that I’m most excited about. There’s too much. It’s so big. I can’t wait for the Orion trip to start.

Favorite Quote: “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”

Michaela Murray — Lyra Program Lead & PR

I worked as a criminologist analyzing criminal behaviour, trends and statistics, prior to WYCO. This saw me take on a range of government roles, from working with prisoners at a state ‘watchdog’ agency to providing policy advice to the Minister for Police.

A friend of mine had stumbled across the concept of a travel remote work program and thought it may be something I would be interested in. With a little online research, I discovered WYCO and applied to the program. I was elated at being accepted, but when I learned that there were vacancies within the WYCO staff, I jumped at the opportunity!

I’m really excited for the people I am set to meet as part of this global journey, particularly the members. The program attracts adventurous, bold and interesting characters. Being a part of the WYCO community will undoubtedly be a personally and professionally advantageous experience.

Favorite Quote: “I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours.” — Hunter S. Thompson

Eli Harris — Lyra Program Lead & Partnerships

Prior to WYCO, I worked in the tech space selling software at LinkedIn and a smaller startup centered around influencer marketing. Before that I worked as a Creative and Marketing Recruiter and had started a similar travel program for college students centered around travel and professional development.

I was looking to combine my passions and experience of travel and professional development without putting my career on hold and WYCO appeared. Either it was my keywords or good SEO by the team.

I’m really looking forward to the pace of the program. One month in each location gives you enough time to really experience the culture and feel like a local but also keeps you in that uncomfortable nature which makes you want to continuously step outside of your comfort zone.

Favorite Quote: “Spontaneity brings out the best in us.”

I think you’ll agree that the future looks bright.


For more questions or to speak with one of our team members, shoot us an email at —


