Why Not Travel The World?

By Blaine Anderson

4 min readFeb 5, 2018


It’s not hard to imagine that if we added up all the hours spent trying to “figure out life”, they would outweigh the hours spent actually living life. Really. Living. Life.

Great inventors, designers, developers, and innovators, all have one thing in common. A unique ability to problem solve. The first step, all-too-often overlooked, is coming up with the actual problem to be solved. The trick is to start where you are. Not where you hope you are. Not where you think you should be. But right where you actually are.

For me, this process started with a question. A simple, one-worded question: WHY?

WHY was I going to work in a stuffy office 5 days a week, for 10 hours a day?WHY couldn’t I pull more innovative ideas from my brain at work?
WHY wasn’t I spending more time doing what I loved to do?
WHY, at 27, had my life become so fixed and routine?

It was this series of questions, all starting with WHY, that led me to some big answers. All of which started with: WHY NOT?

WHY NOT create a life that makes me excited to get out of bed every day?
WHY NOT raise a middle finger to monotony?
WHY NOT secure a remote job and travel around the world?
WHY NOT help create an organization that would allow others to do the same?

It was this series of WHY NOT questioning that led me to go all in on WYCO alongside our founders Nathan and Sean. Together, we’re committed to building a company that would allow professionals from all fields to take their careers to the next level all while traveling around the world.

A year in, I hardly recognize the person I was before this whole thing began. I can’t even imagine a career and a life that exist separately.

I’ve met so many people who have become so much more than coworkers and clients.

And I guess it’s really no surprise, when you… dodge volcanoes together.

Bathe with elephants.

Trek through the mud to hidden beaches.

Ride camels through the desert together.

These things pretty much lock you in for life as forever friends.

For most people, passion and really living life, comes from asking why, trying something, discovering they like it, and then diving deeper. Simply put: really living life is the result of being curious, and following that curiosity.

At this point, I’m living a life that would have previously made me jealous. And I’m not alone in doing so. The entire WYCO community is full of people who are living the dream. People who followed this same process themselves and landed spots around the globe. Creating their life’s work. Connecting with communities around the world. Building a network. Constantly innovating. Always asking WHY. And together… Really. Living. Life.

WHY NOT? is a series of articles written by our community. Stay tuned for more to come in the weeks and months ahead!

