Work Remote & Want To Travel The World?

Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018

The time between 9 and 5 was designated as ‘work hours’ during the Industrial Revolution — remnants of the long days spent in factories. That was a hella long time ago. With so many advances in technology and career paths, you would think the conventions around ‘the working day’ would have evolved with it. Well, for some progressive companies, they have, and continue to do so. Enter, remote-work opportunities. Professionals, especially in the Millennial market, are making a push for location independence, and it’s about time.

We Roam was the startup with big ideas on progressing the Remote Revolution, paving the way for a futuristic and worldly lifestyle. Not only did it disrupt the outdated notions around convention, but it worked to rebuild the concepts of work and travel. Work does not require the same four walls everyday — in fact, it probably shouldn’t. And travel doesn’t have to mean sacrificing professional security. Rather the two elements have the ability to enhance each other if structured correctly. And that’s exactly where we started — structuring a symbiotic relationship between work and travel with round the world trips for remote-working professionals. And we got pretty damn good at it too. But just like any innovative force, we wanted more. WY_CO is more.

Essentially, our new model as WY_CO requires a shift in mindset, so forget about what you think you know about remote work and travel. We are no longer just a series of autonomous trips. We’re rapidly and intentionally evolving into an exclusive global network of remote working professionals with a pass to co-live, co-travel and co-work around the world. We aren’t a program — we’re a society, a community, a club. Members don’t sign up for a one off-trip and then go about their lives. They gain lifelong access to the community and membership benefits, whether actively on a trip or not. Membership does not cease suddenly because a clients needs to go home for a few months. When you’re with us, you’re with us.

We have also increased our already industry leading flexibility, allowing WY_CO members to sign up for as little as one month at a time. This means that itineraries can now be built out from scratch — it’s a “create your own adventure” concept that gives members full ownership over their journey, inclusive of pauses and the option of multiple months in the same city. That’s not to say we are doing away with our pre-designed itineraries, we are just giving members more options to tailor their experience.

Finally, we are becoming more high-tech. WY_CO is developing a state of the art mobile app that will enable members to create, change and pay for WY_CO experiences with just the click of a button. The platform will incorporate a social element to enhance connectivity between all members across the world, so that they can swap travel insights and collaborate on professional projects. Just another way we are bringing the workforce into the present day and beyond.

Don’t get us wrong, we have nothing against 9–5 offices. Some of them have nice potted plants. We used to work in them ourselves. Our days in the office are remembered in the same way we look back at an old highschool photograph; we had to be there and we had perms. It’s time to move on and into 2018.

See WY_CO’s newly designed website for more information about how to bring your professional lifestyle into the present day. Apply here!

