Exchange Concert between TU-Berlin and Wesleyan University


Last semester, Paula Matthusen, Associate Professor of Music, served as the Edgard-Varèse Guest Professor at the Technical University of Berlin. Through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) program, Paula was able to teach two courses titled Invocations of Space and their Discontents and Noise :: Feedback :: Noise at TU-Berlin, while still offering a class called “(Un)sound Projections” at Wesleyan. All three courses covered topics in experimental music and sound art. Working with Henrik von Color at the TU-Berlin, Wesleyan and TU-Berlin students participated in a final collaborative concert, titled “Marathon :: Marathon X Exchange :: Exchange.”

(Un)Sound Projections: “Notation As Transduction”

Wesleyan students who had their pieces performed include Jace Arouet, Erica Clark Gould, Keizo Fish, Hector Gonzalez, Devanney Haruta, Benji Kandel-Zasloff, Jack Kraus, Daisy Mayer, Chapin Montague, Manuel J. Perez III, Ryan Seward, Anya Shatilova, Aliya Ultan, and Stuart Wheeler.

The final performance for (Un)sound Projections, “Notation as Transduction,” features the SPLICE Ensemble performing works by Wesleyan students which were then rebroadcasted for the Berlin concert. While there is not an available recording of the final Berlin concert, live radio streams featuring student work can be found with the following links:

