Koazee Gelada (v0.0.2)

Koazee — The shopping cart

Iván Corrales Solera
Wesovi Labs
2 min readDec 3, 2018


In this guide we will learn how to make use of Koazee to implement a very usual scenario: A shopping cart

The shopping cart

The input will be a list of items. For each item will find the next info:

  • Name
  • Units
  • Price per unit
  • Expiration date
type Item struct {
Name string
Units int
PricePerUnit float32
ExpirationDate time.Time

and the software requisites are:

  • Print the list of items ordered by name. For each item we will print the following information: name, units and the total price
  • Items on expired date must be removed from cart
  • If there’s 3 or more units of the same product in the cart, a 20% discount must be saved for this product.
  • We need to print the total price.

After having a look at the requirements we can easily understand that we need to do is:

  • Filter: We only need to leave in the cart those items whose expiration date has not expired yet.
  • Sort: We need to print the items ordered by name
  • Map: For any item we need to add a new attribute, the total price of the items
  • ForEach: For each item in the cart we need to print the required info
  • Reduce: We need to calculate the total price for our shopping cart.

It looks like Functional programming!!!

Since Koazee does a Lazy evaluation of the operations we can define a variable shoppingStream and then we will be able to reuse it for any shopping cart.

var shoppingStream = koazee.Stream().
Filter(func(item *cart.Item) bool {
return item.ExpirationDate.After(time.Now())
Sort(func(itemLeft, itemRight *cart.Item) int {
return strings.Compare(itemLeft.Name, itemRight.Name)
Map(func(item *cart.Item) *ItemTotal {
total := float32(item.Units) * item.PricePerUnit
if item.Units >= 3 {
total *= discount
return &ItemTotal{item, total}
ForEach(func(item *ItemTotal) {
fmt.Printf(" - %s, %d units, %.2f€\n", item.Name, item.Units, item.total)

We define a new struct to add the total price for item

type ItemTotal struct {
total float32

Finally, we only need to define a function that will make use of variable shoppingStream and will calculate the price for the cart.

func process(items []*cart.Item) {
myStream := shoppingStream.With(items).Do()
output := myStream.Reduce(
func(acc float32, item *ItemTotal) float32 {
return acc + item.total
if output.Err() != nil {
fmt.Printf(" Total price %.2f€\n", output.Float32())


  • We write clean code.
  • Functional oriented code is easier to test.
  • Lazy evaluation, we don’t need to perform any operation until It’s required.
  • No Loops, no switch-cases and no if-else statements
  • Koazee provides several operations, and much more are coming. Have a look at Koazee Wiki


Full code can be found on Koazee repository To run the full test:

git clone https://github.com/wesovilabs/koazee.git
cd koazee/samples/shopping
go run main.go

You will find a couple of array of items that can be used to test our example easily.

