10 Best iPhone Apps for Crypto Coiners

Jessica Anglin
5 min readDec 30, 2017


The other day I wrote a post on the best Android apps so I wanted to follow it up with the best iPhone apps. I travel a lot so keeping up-to-date with my investments while on the go is very important to me. If you are busy like I am, please take full advantage of these apps in order to manage things most effectively.

Tradingview Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#1: Tradingview

Free. This is by far my favorite app because it is always up-to-date with current prices and is so easy to use. I have customized my charts on their website and that carries over into the app so I know if coins that I am watching have broken my resistance lines. And Tradingview can be used for more than just crypto coins, you can use it to track stocks as well. The conversation online is worth reading, especially if you are new to the crypto space and looking for answers to pressing questions.

Coinbase Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#2: Coinbase

Free. One of the more popular crypto exchanges, Coinbase is user friendly and easy to use with many different payment options. You can buy instantly with debit or credit card, wire in money, or pull money from your bank account. Fees can be high on this exchange but it is great in a pinch and great to learn on. And you are only able to buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Ethereum on this exchange for now.

Blockfolio Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#3: Blockfolio

Free. You can use this to monitor all of your favorite coins and altcoins and get up-to-date news from credible sources. This has a beautiful user interface where you can set price alerts for many different exchanges. This is a must use if you like alts.

CEX.IO Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#4: CEX.IO

Free. Another exchange alternative to Coinbase, you can purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum here with US Dollars, Euors, British Pounds, or Russian Rubles. You can use this for margin trading as well. It is not as user friendly as some of these other apps though.

CoinTelegraph Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#5: CoinTelegraph

Free. Use this app to stay up to date on the news in the crypto space. The best part is that the news here is mostly unbiased. Some of the other news outlets can add their viewpoint which will give you news that may not be suitable for your needs. Plus this is easy to use.

Coin Ticker Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#6: CoinTicker

$6.99 per month. This is like an online version of Coin Market Cap and is well-known for its simplicity. You can add your own portfolio so you can keep track of how you are doing and you can easily update the fiat currency if you are traveling or moving somewhere else. See real time prices in many different currencies!

CoinDex Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#7: CoinDex

Free. Add your own portfolio to this one to keep track of live value data as well as set alerts for coins you want to follow. The cool feature of this app is that you can see a 24 hour percentage change for your portfolio so you can track day to day changes if that is something you are interested in. This app is different from others listed here because you can see information on current and upcoming ICOs to help in your investing journey if you like ICOs (not everyone does).

Wirex Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#8: Wirex

Free to download but you have to buy the card and pay for transactions. Honestly, this one just recently hit my radar so I am in the process of doing my own research so I would advise you to do the same. This seems to be a popular option for anyone looking for a debit card option for Bitcoin so you can convert your Bitcoin to cash fairly immediately to spend. I have to admit that I am intrigued by this one myself and would love to hear if anyone out there has used it yet.

ChainHub Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#9: ChainHub

Free. A news aggregator for all things blockchain and cryptocurrency. Design your own feeds by choosing what categories you want to see news on from various sources online. Download articles that you are interested in to read later offline.

Cryptocurrency- Converter and Calulator Screenshot from iPhone App Store

#10: Cryptocurrency- Converter and Calculator

Free. It can be difficult to learn to convert Bitcoin to fiat currency and many newbies make mistakes that could be avoided. I still make some mistakes if I am not paying attention so I like this app because I can calculate conversions between 28 major coins that are popular like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.

Have you used any of these apps before? What has your experience been? What apps have you used on your iPhone that have aided in your crypto adventures? I would love to hear all about it so leave a comment for me!

If you found value in this post, please leave some claps and share with your friends so that others that need this information will have access to it. And thanks for reading!



Jessica Anglin

Freelance Content Copywriter & Editor |Investor | Cryptocurrency | Life Hacks| Real Estate | Startups | Tech | Personal Finance (all opinions are my own)