HidraMed Solutions scoops top prize at the Irish Times Innovation Awards

Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

Galway-based company HidraMed was crowned the overall winner of the Irish Times Innovation Awards last Wednesday 27th January after a stellar year in 2020. The MedTech company has developed and commercialised a wound care solution for patients suffering from Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS).

The Story behind the Company

Founder of HidraMed, Suzanne Moloney, has been living with the condition since she was 13 years old and, it was from her personal experience and frustrations with HS, that spurred Suzanne to develop this novel dressing system.

CEO & Founder of HidraMed, Suzanne Moloney

HS is an incurable skin disease that causes sore lesions and abscesses in the thigh, armpit and groin areas. Approximately 4 per cent of the world’s population suffer from this disease.

Through research and talking with other HS patients, Suzanne recognised a gap in the market for a comfortable wound care system that didn’t leak or move and would enable sufferers to manage their condition better.

As a result, Moloney designed a product consisting of adhesive-free dressings which attach and fit into a range of specially made undergarments as you can see in the video below.

The Irish Times Innovation Awards

The Irish Times Innovation Awards were held virtually last week with five different categories consisting of Life Sciences & Healthcare; IT & Fintech; Manufacturing & Design; Sustainability; and Social Innovation.

Not only did HidraMed come out on top within their category of Life Sciences & Healthcare but the company also went on to scoop the coveted top prize! CEO & Founder, Suzanne revealed “I am so proud for the company and all that we have achieved. 2020 was a very challenging year so this was a huge boost for us and our morale.” She continued to express her delight that Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is being discussed on such a big platform and receiving high exposure as a result of the success, “Raising awareness is so important to me, so I’m very grateful for the opportunity” she explains.

Plans for 2021

2021 is set to be a massive year for the company yet again with a key focus on reimbursement and making HidraWear more accessible through insurance and health services in Ireland, The Netherlands, The UK and The USA.

It has been revealed that the company are also launching two new products for managing wounds in the groin and buttocks in 2021.


Suzanne is extremely thankful to everyone who has contributed to the success of HidraMed over the years. She added that “It’s incredible to think that my idea has been developed and commercialised, and is out there in the world helping people with their day to day wound care. None of this would be possible without the whole community: the HidraMed team, all our advisors and mentors, regional supports like WestBIC, national supports like Enterprise Ireland, our investors, clinicians and of course, our customers.”

The WestBIC team extends a huge congratulations to Suzanne and everyone at HidraMed! We’re excited to see what the future holds — In Suzanne’s own words “We have a lot done, but so much more to do!”

Find out more about HidraMed here: www.hidrawear.com

