Soft Skills Required to Deliver an Investable Pitch

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2 min readJun 28, 2022

Pitching is never an easy task, especially when the stakes are high and the pitch could mean the difference between a successful business venture and a business idea. At WestBIC, we provide tailored business support and mentoring services at different business stages. We have generated a go-to-guide when it comes to delivering an investable pitch and have decided to share our insights with you to alleviate some of the pressure when pitching a product, service or idea.

1. Know your Audience

Who are they and why should they care? Find an emotional connection between you and your audience and leverage it. Storytelling is a useful asset to engage the audience and to create an emotional connection.

2. Be Prepared

As Benjamin Franklin famously said “Fail to prepare, and prepare to fail.” Have your market validated and have a clear and robust route to market strategically planned. Be prepared to acknowledge the shortcomings within the business and identify how you are going to turn challenges into opportunities. Practice your pitch as often as possible. Preparation and practice is the price paid for excellence.

3. Be Enthusiastic

Be interested and passionate about the content of your pitch. It will have a knock-on effect on your audience. If you are not excited about your pitch, how can you expect your audience to be? Engage and entertain your audience with relevant and memorable examples and anecdotes. It’s not all about facts, figures and statistics. Think from the heart as well as the head.

4. Be Confident

You need to convey confidence in order to instil confidence in your audience. If you have a genuine passion for your business idea, half the battle is won. Ensure a confident stance, use eye contact and a pleasant facial expression. Don’t forget to smile! Use powerful language such as “we will” instead of “we hope to.” Your team is your greatest asset, is vital to believe in yourself and in your team.

5. Be Clear and Concise

Keep your pitch as simple as possible. Leave the audience wanting more instead of overloading them with too much information. Avoid any technical jargon and never go over the allocated time!

6. Leverage your Unique Selling Point

Think about what makes your business unique and emphasise that. Do you have an extraordinary team? Are you an industry disruptor or a changemaker? Whatever it is, make sure the audience sees your USP it and remembers it.

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