Make Small Men Feel Small Again

Joan Westenberg
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2024


We’ve been tiptoeing around the assholes for far too long.

Walking on egg-shells.

Trying not to set them off.

And we’re sick of it. We’re sick of the chest-thumping, hate-spewing, fear-mongering fuckheads who think the ability to remember 14 words in a specific order gives them the right to run the world. The men who are so scared of change they’d rather burn everything down than admit maybe, just maybe, they don’t have all the answers.

We’ve tried reasoning with them. We’ve tried educating them. We’ve tried ignoring them. And you know what? None of it has worked worth a damn. These toxic little shitgoblins are still out there, spewing their bullshit, making life miserable for everyone who doesn’t fit their narrow definition of what’s “right” or “normal”.

So here’s a radical thought: maybe it’s time we stopped taking these clowns so seriously. Maybe, instead of treating their hateful ideology like it’s worthy of debate, we should be calling it out for what it really is — a pathetic attempt by scared little boys to feel big in a world that’s outgrowing them.

There’s something inherently ridiculous about these guys.

We know it. They know it.

Grown-ass men, supposedly the pinnacle of strength and masculinity, losing their minds because a woman dared to have an opinion. Or because two dudes decided to get married. Or because someone suggested that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn’t be assholes to people just because their skin is a different color.

It’s absurd. It’s laughable. And it’s high time we started treating it that way.

“But these are serious issues!”

“We can’t just laugh them off!”

And you’re right, they are serious issues. But taking something seriously doesn’t mean we have to treat it with respect.

When was the last time you saw one of these sperm-cup little bigots and thought, “Wow, that guy really has it all figured out”? Never, right? Because deep down, we all know their worldview is bullshit. It’s a house of cards built on fear, ignorance, and a desperate need to feel superior to someone, anyone.

So why are we still pretending like their ideas have any merit?

Why are we still engaging in “debates” where one side is arguing for basic human dignity and the other is throwing a tantrum because the world isn’t catering to their every whim anymore?

It’s time. Instead of meeting their hate with anger, their fear with reassurance, their ignorance with patient explanation, we have to try something different. We have to meet their ridiculousness with ridicule.

I’m talking about holding up a mirror to their absurdity and pointing out, loudly and repeatedly, just how fucking stupid their ideas really are.

Here’s the truth these small men don’t want to face: they’re not scary. They’re not powerful. They’re not the defenders of some grand tradition or the protectors of civilization. They’re just sad, scared little snot swallowers trying to puff themselves up by putting others down.

And once you see that, once you really internalize it, their whole act starts to fall apart. The tough guy persona, the faux-intellectual rationalizations, the appeals to some mythical past where everything was better (for them, at least) — it all starts to look like what it really is: a cheap costume worn by men who are terrified of their own inadequacy.

There’s nothing these guys hate more than feeling small. It’s their deepest fear, the thing that keeps them up at night. The thought that maybe, just maybe, they’re not the big, strong, important men they pretend to be.

And you know what? They’re right to be afraid. Because they are small. Their minds are small, their worldview is small, their capacity for empathy and understanding is small. The only thing that’s been making them feel big is our willingness to treat their bullshit like it matters.

So let’s just fucking stop.

Let’s stop pretending that every hateful opinion deserves a respectful hearing. Let’s stop acting like there are “two sides” to issues of basic human dignity and equality. Let’s stop giving these small men the power to set the terms of the debate.

Every time one of these small men tries to assert his supposed superiority, he should be met with eye-rolls and laughter. Every time they try to claim they’re being “oppressed” because they can’t oppress others, we respond by playing the world’s tiniest violin.

Instead, let’s start treating their toxic ideology like the joke it is. Let’s meet their attempts at intimidation with mockery, their displays of faux-strength with derision. Let’s laugh in the face of their fear-mongering and point out the absurdity of their desperate attempts to cling to power.

Laughter is contagious. And it’s powerful. It has the ability to cut through bullshit like nothing else. It can deflate the puffed-up egos of these small men faster than any logical argument or moral appeal.

And more importantly, it gives us power. When we laugh at these guys, when we refuse to be cowed by their bluster and intimidation, we’re taking back control of the narrative. We’re saying, loud and clear, that we see through their act. That we’re not buying what they’re selling.

And yes, it might make some people uncomfortable. Good. We should be uncomfortable with the hate and bigotry these small men are peddling. We should be uncomfortable with the idea that some people think their desire to feel superior trumps others’ right to exist.

But discomfort can be a powerful motivator for change. And by turning the tables, by making these small men the butt of the joke instead of the ones calling the shots, we create space for that change to happen.

These guys aren’t the majority. They’re a loud, obnoxious minority that’s been punching above its weight for far too long.

It’s time to make small men feel small again. Because in a world that’s growing bigger, more connected, and more compassionate by the day, there’s simply no fucking room for small minds anymore. Don’t get scared. Just laugh. Because in the face of progress, in the face of a world that’s leaving them behind, that’s really all their sad little shit-kicking act deserves.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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