Leo Lubinsky Travels the Willamette Valley and Pacific Coast of Oregon

Leo Lubinsky
Western Oregon — Foothills to Coast
2 min readApr 10, 2017

Beauty at Every Turn

Heceta Head Lighthouse photo by Leo Lubinsky

Oregon is a large state with few people by eastern standards and a greatly varied landscape. From the high desert to the rugged coast there is beauty to enjoy everywhere in between. This article focuses on the Willamette Valley and the coastal areas of this wonderful state.

The coastal climate is mild in the winter and summer with temps seldom below freezing or above 80. If you visit this area from May to early October you can expect mostly dry cool days and chilly nights. The other half of the year expect misty cool days and nights.

The photo above shows Heceta Head Lighthouse and the magnificent and rugged coast. The area pictured is about a dozen miles north of Florence, Oregon along the coastal highway. Just a few miles south of the lighthouse are the Sea Lion Caves. A visitor can take an elevator ride into the largest sea cave in America and see at times hundreds of sea lions as they rest and frolic on the rock ledges in the cave.

This area of Oregon is a true treasure for wildlife enthusiasts. In the valley during the winter months Bald Eagles are commonly seen. Do not be surprised to see herds of elk along the roadways bringing traffic to a crawl or stop in the coastal range or on the Cascades side of the Willamette Valley. One of my favorite sights is a flock of mostly white Trumpeter Swans winter feeding on a field of lush green grass along the Willamette river.



Leo Lubinsky
Western Oregon — Foothills to Coast

Leo Lubinsky has led teams, across America, in manufacturing with Miller Fabrics and in distribution with Lowes; over the course of more than two decades.