WestGate Authority Board — December 2023 Minutes

WGA WestGate
WestGate Authority
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2024

WestGate Authority

December 12, 2023

1:30 PM


The meeting of the WestGate@Crane Authority was held on December 12, 2023 at the WestGate Academy and also virtually via zoom. The meeting was called to order at 1:47 PM.

Authority Board members in physical attendance include: John Mensch, Kent Parisien, Darrin Holder, Dana Strange, and Joe Morris (attended virtually).

Also in attendance were: Bryant Niehoff, Greg Jones (SIDC), Morgan Thewes, Samantha Nelson, John Farency, Aaron Grey, Paul Quick (attended virtually) and Jill Hahn (attended virtually).

Dana Strange made the motion to approve the minutes from November 14, 2023 meeting. Kent Parisien seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Development Committee. Did not meet.

The Governance Committee — Met to review the Purdue Foundry contract three times.

Kent Parisien made a motion to approve the updated contract with Purdue Research Foundation. Terms changed with an increase in funds for PRF and a decrease in revenue sharing along with changes in who pays for maintenance. Dana Strange seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimous.

John Farency stated that ARI design is complete and they would like the Board to approve the design through email vote.

The Tenant Committee — Did not meet.

The White River Military Coordination Alliance Report — Did not meet.

Crane Regional Defense Group briefing. Kent Parisien stated nothing new to report.

Bryant Niehoff gave a monthly report. Bryant Niehoff highlighted the following;

· Discussed the ROI grant to the Daviess County Economic Development for the park. Bob Grewe gave concepts for use of the funds;

o Outdoor furniture and fixtures around the academy. Develop places to engage.

o Food Truck electrical infrastructure.

o Enhanced Wifi infrastructure for the outdoor areas.

o Private booths for sound proof meetings and phone calls

o Improved coffee areas

o Additional signage for the Park

The Authority reviewed concepts and liked the options but emphasized the need for signage.

Financial Reports were presented by Greg Jones. Greg Jones provided an overview of the Tax Revenue, Building Maintenance, Non-Tax Revenue, and the Crane Federal Credit Union Certificate.

Tax Revenue


Non-Tax Revenue


Building Maintenance Acct


Crane Certificate


Kent Parisien made a motion to approve the financial report. Darrin Holder seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board discussed the budget for 2024. The Governance Committee has been reviewing the budget and will seek to approve the budget in January 2024.

Samantha Nelson gave a program activity report.

· December 5 — Daniel Loveless — IU Intelligent Systems

· February 2 — Steve Beaudoin — Purdue Energetics

· March 5 — Booz Allen Hamilton

· April 2 — Samtec

Samantha Nelson and Morgan Thewes gave the Facility Report

· Weyer electric quoted the electric charger installation for $5,500.

· Discussing an agreement with Lewellyn on snow removal. Samantha Nelson will get clarification on the proposal.

· Meet with Force Tech on the Audio. The improvements would be $51,000 for Phase 1.

· There is a static electricity issue in one of the cubicles.

Old Business — Kent Parisien made a motion to ratify the ARI lease. Dana Strange seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The Board needs to review the plans and vote through email. The email vote will be ratified at the January meeting.

New business — Greg Jones requested the Board review SIDC’s contract for financial management. The Board will review the contract and work to complete in January.

December Claims

Building Maintenance

E & L Services Group $3,864.37

Weyer Electric $741.60

TK Elevator $890.86

Non Tax Revenue

UDWI REMC $8,913.53

Centerpoint $790.28

Eastern Heights Utility $146.64

McCloud $103.72

Sewage Disposal Works $610.00

SIDC $1,333.33

SIDC $1,500.00

Purdue Research Foundation $4,522.34

Purdue Research Foundation $1,361.78

TM Office Solutions $25.39

Indiana Farmers Insurance $13,938.00

Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. $33,034.15

Darrin Holder made the motion to approve the Non-Tax Revenue Account Claims and Building Maintenance Account Claims. Joe Morris seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Kevin Sparks will be replacing John Preble in the future for Greene County. Jessica Potts is working to appoint someone in January for Martin County.

Dana Strange made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Darrin Holder seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 2:48 PM.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 9, 2023, at 1:30 PM via Zoom and in person at the Academy.


Kent Parisien


