WestGate Authority Board — June 2023 Minutes

WGA WestGate
WestGate Authority
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2023

WestGate Authority

June 13, 2023

1:30 PM


The meeting of the WestGate@Crane Authority was held on June 13, 2023 at the WestGate Academy and also virtually via zoom. The meeting was called to order at 1:32 PM.

Authority Board members in physical attendance include: John Mensch, Kent Parisien, Natalie Smith, Mark Batlow, Dana Strange and Jerry Braun.

Also in attendance were: Greg Jones (SIDC), Samantha Nelson, Bryant Niehoff, Marilyn Hartman, Kirk White, Joe Carley, Jason Salstrom, and Jill Hahn.

Dana Strange made the motion to approve the minutes from May 9, 2023 meeting. Natalie Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Marilyn Hartman gave an update. Bruce Rogers is working to get a signed lease from GSA. Still do not have the fully signed lease. Marilyn Hartman brought up the need to substitute legal counsel for the WestGate@Crane Authority. John Mensch recommended having Margie Rice meet with the Governance Committee for vetting. Margie Rice came highly recommended as a municipal Lawyer. Greg Jones and John Mensch met with her to discuss the potential workload for a WestGate@Crane Authority attorney.

Development Committee. Did not meet.

The Governance Committee — Reviewed the current CD’s and sought quotes for a new CD. Jamie Chapman is seeking the CD’s on behalf of the Governance Committee. Jerry Braun made the motion to approve the recommendation of Jamie Chapman to select a financial institution to create a $500,000 CD. Dana Strange seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

The Tenant Committee — Plan to do a Tenant engagement on July 18 from 4:00 PM to 6:00PM. The cost will be approximately $1,500. There is an eventbright to sign up.

The White River Military Coordination Alliance Report — Met on May 19. The mobile technology repair center presented at the meeting. Representative Shane Lindauer gave information on bills that were approved that benefit the Military Installation. Commander Smith was recognized for his service at NSA Crane.

Crane Regional Defense Group briefing. Kent Parisien gave the report.

· Up to 54 members

· Connect to Crane meeting was held last month.

· June 20 & 21 — Congressional Event and Congressional Breakfast

· August 1 — Connect to Crane event

· CRDG helped pass the following bills in the last session;

o SB 332

o SB 477

o HB 1555

o HB 1034

Bryant Niehoff from USTF discussed the following.

· May — Organizational meetings for Economic Development, NSWC Command and researching other research and technology parks.

· Park Infastructure is a top priority for USTF along with property purchases for infrastructure.

· Reviewing and participating in lead review and development potential.

· Planning a brief with IEDC in July.

· Working to build organizational capacity.

John Mensch asked about properties needing purchased for Wastewater. Bryant Niehoff stated that they are working through the property purchases and working on appraisals and options. Don Shulte with Eastern Heights utility stated he would like to have additional conversations with Structurepoint. Bryant Niehoff stated he would assist on setting that up. A discussion took place on concerns regarding timeframes for construction.

Financial Reports were presented by Greg Jones. Mr. Jones provided an overview of the Tax Revenue, Building Maintenance, Non-Tax Revenue, the SVBT CD, and the Crane Federal Credit Union Certificate.

Tax Revenue


Non-Tax Revenue


Building Maintenance Acct

$ 24,171.30


$ 105,740.96

Crane Certificate

$ 424,660.66

Dana Strange made amotion to move $50,000 from the Non-tax Revenue Account to the Building Maintenance Account. Jerry Braun seconded the motion passed unanimously.

Kent Parisien made the motion to approve the financial report. Natalie Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Samantha Nelson gave a program activity report.

· June 16 webinar on Chat GPT and Defense Webinar.

· No July event due to 4th of July.

· July 18 Tenant engagement event.

· October will be the Dynetic Leidos — Hypersonic presentation.

· Will start outreach to get techpark employment numbers.

Jason Salstrom

· Proposal is still in play for the unfinished space.

· Conference Center projection software needs updated.

· Navy is pleased with the curtains.

· Flag Quotes are as follows;

o 4 banners $162

o Brackets $178

o Price ranges from $1,400 — $2,200 for 8 banners and brackets

The Board would look to highlight University partners with the Banners. May need a new policy on the banners.

Jason Salstrom will make a recommendation at the next Board meeting for Banners.

New Business — No new business

June Claims

Non Tax Revenue Account

Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC $9,289.69

Centerpoint $378.82

Eastern Heights Utility $146.64

McCloud $97.85

Sewage Disposal Works $610.00

SIDC $1,333.33

SIDC $1,500.00

SIDC $22.00

Purdue Research $216.57

Danco Construction $15,601.95

Jack Kinkel & Son Architects $9,889.41

Natalie Smith made the motion to approve the Non Tax Revenue Account Claims. Jerry Braun seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Building Maintenance Account

Lewellyn Lawn Care $2,145.00

Horsting Custom Window Treatments $1,646.29

Ader Seal Coating & Striping $13,340.00

E & L Services $3,687.25

Natalie Smith made the motion to approve the Building Maintenance Claims. Mark Bartlow seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Natalie Smith made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Dana Strange seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 3:02 PM.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 1:30 PM via Zoom and in person at the Academy.


Natalie Smith


