WestGate Authority Board — November 2023 Minutes

WGA WestGate
WestGate Authority
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2023

The meeting of the WestGate@Crane Authority was held on November 14, 2023 at the WestGate Academy and also virtually via zoom. The meeting was called to order at 1:32 PM.

Authority Board members in physical attendance include: John Mensch (attended virtually), Kent Parisien, Darrin Holder, Mark Bartlow, Dana Strange, Joe Morris, and Jerry Braun.

Also in attendance were: Bryant Niehoff, Greg Jones (SIDC), Morgan Thewes, Samantha Nelson, Kirk White, Joe Carley (attended virtually), Paul Quick (attended virtually) and Aaron Gray.

Dana Strange made the motion to approve the minutes from October 10, 2023 meeting. Mark Bartlow seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Development Committee. Did not meet.

The Governance Committee — Met to review the Purdue Foundry contract. They meet again with Purdue on November 21.

The Tenant Committee — Did not meet.

The White River Military Coordination Alliance Report — Did meet today for the 5 year anniversary. Great 5 year anniversary celebration.

Crane Regional Defense Group briefing. Kent Parisien gave the report.

· Up to 68 members

· October 12 — Connect to Crane (Small Business event)

· November 7 — Connect to Mission (Business Division of Crane) well attended.

· November 21 — State of Crane event at 11:30 AM.

· No December events

Bryant Niehoff gave a monthly report. Bryant Niehoff highlighted the following;

· Continued work on the infrastructure components.

· USTF hired a municipal advisor to help figure out gaps in infrastructure.

· Coordinating with Greene County on use of their site in Daviess County.

· Continued coordination with Strongbox and CHIPS Act funding.

· Communicating efforts to local utilities.

· Requested our communities working together to allow the development to move forward.

· Tracking a series of projects for the Technology Park.

· Working on a land availability map to convey properties to developers. Working to codify a real estate process and guide.

· Added a few new directors to the USTF Board.

Financial Reports were presented by Greg Jones. Greg Jones provided an overview of the Tax Revenue, Building Maintenance, Non-Tax Revenue, and the Crane Federal Credit Union Certificate.

Tax Revenue


Non-Tax Revenue


Building Maintenance Acct


Crane Certificate


Dana Strange made a motion to approve the financial report. Darrin Holder seconded eh motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Mark Bartlow made a motion to transfer $100,000 from the Tax Revenue account to the Building Maintenance Account. Darrin Holder seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Samantha Nelson gave a program activity report.

· November 7 — First Tuesday — Mark Lewis with Purdue Applied Research was the program

· December 5 — Daniel Loveless — IU Intelligent Systems

· February 2 — Steve Beaudoin — Purdue Energetics

· March 5 — Booz Allen Hamilton

· April 2 — Samtec

Samantha Nelson and Morgan Thewes gave the Facility Report

· Weyer electric added outdoor outlets.

· Discussing an agreement with Lewellyn on snow removal. Samantha Nelson will get clarification on the proposal.

· Added Intelus and Warrant Technologies to the coworking space

· Meeting with Force Tech on the Audio

· E&L performed carpet cleaning.

· UDWI is seeking to donate an electric charger to the WestGate.

· Would like to apply for grants to add charging stations.

· Getting quotes for lighting upgrades for LED.

· All Banners are up to date. Would like input from the Board on additional partners who can get banners in the future. The Board agreed to allow for an approval process.

Old Business — Recertification is under review.

New business — Daviess County would like to utilize awarded ROI grant funds to create an outdoor space and would like input on what to complete. DCEDC would like to present in December.

ARI is seeking a new lease that would take over a portion of the facility and would improve the building.

November Claims

Non Tax Revenue Account

Eastern Heights Utility $146.64

McCloud $103.72

Sewage Disposal Works $610.00

SIDC $1,333.33

SIDC $1,500.00

Purdue Research Foundation $6,526.43

Building Maintenance Account

Lewellyn Lawn Care $858.00

Cummins Sales & Service $510.36

E & L Services $6,572.76

Weyer Electric $38,490.00

Ader Seal Coating $2,975.00

TK Elevator $890.86

Dana Strange made the motion to approve the Non-Tax Revenue Account Claims and Building Maintenance Account Claims. Mark Bartlow seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Dana Strange made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Joe Morris seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 2:32 PM.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 1:30 PM via Zoom and in person at the Academy.


Kent Parisien


