WestGate Authority Board — October 2023 Minutes

WGA WestGate
WestGate Authority
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2023

WestGate Authority

October 10, 2023

1:30 PM


The meeting of the WestGate@Crane Authority was held on September 12, 2023 at the WestGate Academy and also virtually via zoom. The meeting was called to order at 1:34 PM.

Authority Board members in physical attendance include: John Mensch, Kent Parisien, Darrin Holder, Dana Strange (attended virtually), Joe Morris, and Jerry Braun (attended virtually).

Also in attendance were: Bryant Niehoff, Janice Taylor (SIDC), Morgan Thewes, Samantha Nelson, John Farency, Jill Hahn, and Paul Quick (Smithville).

Dana Strange made the motion to approve the minutes from August 8, 2023 meeting. Kent Parisien seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Development Committee. Did not meet.

The Governance Committee — Did not meet.

The Tenant Committee — Did not meet.

The White River Military Coordination Alliance Report — Did not meet. Jerry Braun reminded the Board of the WRCA 5 year anniversary on November 14 from 10:00–1:00. The meeting will be on Base and transportation will leave from the WestGate Academy.

Crane Regional Defense Group briefing. Kent Parisien gave the report.

· Up to 60 members

· October 12 — Connect to Crane (Small Business event)

· November 7 — Connect to Mission (Business Division of Crane)

· November 21 — State of Crane event

· No December events

Bryant Niehoff gave a monthly report. Bryant Niehoff highlighted the following;

· Met with IFA on September 14 to discuss Gap financing. Keep working on scope and different leveraging of resources.

· USTF is reaching out to financial municipal advisory firms to review rates for development.

· Coordinating with Greene County on use of their site in Daviess County.

· Finalizing contract amendment with Structurepoint.

· Communicating efforts to local utilities.

· Met with multiple existing companies to market USTF.

· Working with Strongbox on Development Standards.

· Continuing to work on marketing strategies.

· Working on a land availability map.

· Kent Parisien stated that Mark Messmer is aware of the situation and is working to assist with infrastructure needs.

Financial Reports were presented by Janice Taylor. Janice Taylor provided an overview of the Tax Revenue, Building Maintenance, Non-Tax Revenue, and the Crane Federal Credit Union Certificate.

Tax Revenue


Non-Tax Revenue


Building Maintenance Acct

$ 32,448.52

Crane Certificate

$ 504,252.16

Kent Parisien asked if Kicking Grass is the group that did the shrubs. It was confirmed by Samantha Nelson.

Samantha Nelson gave a program activity report.

· October 3 — First Tuesday — Leidos — Hypersonic presentation. 40 people attended.

· November 7 — First Tuesday — Mark Lewis with Purdue Applied Research

· December 5 — Energetics out of Purdue will be the event.

Samantha Nelson and Morgan Thewes gave the Facility Report

· Picnic tables have been delivered from Shoals School

· Seeking quotes to install electric outlets outside.

· Discussing an agreement with Lewellyn on snow removal

· Meeting with Force Tech on the Audio

· Zax Creamery is set up in the auditorium.

· Still struggling with food trucks.

· Need to have carpet cleaned.

· Banners have been delivered.

· Tenant numbers are up from last year and are near 890 employees in the park.

Old Business

No old business.

New Business — Need to discuss PRF contract. There was additional marketing included in the contract. Kent Parisien asked if Purdue Foundry was going away. It was stated by PRF it would be removed. PRF is still working on Tech transfer but needs to get the specifics.

October Claims

Non Tax Revenue Account

UDWI REMC $8,788.19

Eastern Heights Utility $146.64

McCloud $97.85

SIDC $1,333.33

SIDC $1,500.00

Sewage Disposal Works $610.00

Purdue Research $162,500.00

Daviess Co. Economic Dev. Found. $16,481.30

Greene Co. Dept. of Redevelop. $16,481.30

Radius Indiana $14,922.81

Building Maintenance Account

Lents Lock & Safe $28.00

E & L Services $4,186.72

Lewellyn Lawn Care $1,287.00

Shoals Shop-Engineering Class $900.00

Kent Parisien made the motion to approve the Non-Tax Revenue Account Claims and Building Maintenance Account Claims. Darrin Holder seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Kent Parisien made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Joe Morris seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 2:27 PM.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 1:30 PM via Zoom and in person at the Academy.


Kent Parisien


