Beyond Buttons: The Future of UI/UX Design in 2023

Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
Westside Union
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2023

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design have been rapidly evolving in recent years, and it’s safe to say that the field will continue to see significant changes in the coming years. As we approach 2023, here are some UI/UX design trends and developments to look out for.

  • Voice-based interfaces will become more common in the future.

We expect more UI/UX designers to incorporate voice-based interfaces into their designs as voice recognition technology improves. This could include anything from virtual assistants that help users navigate complex websites to voice-activated controls for smart home devices. To ensure that their voice-based interfaces are accessible to a wide range of users, designers must consider factors such as accent and tone.

  • The user experience will be enhanced by augmented reality.

As augmented reality (AR) technology becomes more widely available, designers will have new opportunities to create immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds. AR could be used to create interactive product demos, virtual showrooms, and even real-time translation tools that superimpose text on the user’s surroundings.

  • Personalization will be essential.

Designers of user interfaces and user experiences must find ways to tailor their designs to individual users’ preferences and behaviours, whether through adaptive interfaces or machine learning algorithms that predict what users are looking for. Personalization will be essential. Users will expect the same level of personalization from the apps and websites they use as they become accustomed to personalised experiences in other areas of their lives.

  • Sustainability will be a priority.

Consumers will expect the products and services they use to reflect their environmental values as they become more environmentally conscious. Designers of UI/UX must find ways to create energy-efficient products, reduce waste, and use sustainable materials. This could range from designing interfaces to encourage users to use public transportation to using eco-friendly packaging materials for physical products.

  • Inclusion will be a top priority.

Designers will need to figure out how to make products and services that are intuitive and simple to use for everyone, regardless of location or experience level. Finally, designers of UI/UX must continue to prioritise inclusivity in their work. This includes designing interfaces that are accessible to users with disabilities, as well as considering a diverse range of cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Overall, in 2023, UI/UX design will be focused on creating personalised and sustainable experiences that are accessible and inclusive to a wide range of users. Designers will have new tools to create engaging and immersive experiences that meet the evolving needs of users by incorporating new technologies such as voice recognition and augmented reality.



Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
Westside Union

A designer and college instructor with an engineering background, who likes research and sharing knowledge.